

Winter in Paris part 2
I called him he answer it.

"Sarah I have something important to tell you."
A confession?!
" What is it?"
" You know I have been best friend with Tia. I think I going to ask her to be my girlfriend."
What? My tear falls down. He going to ask her best friend to be his girlfriend. Of course. I am an idiot. They know each other better than they know me. I not going to be the third wheel. Just pretend happy.

" Ship!! You know what I am kinda busy right now. Bye. Good luck."

I hung up. Forget about him Sarah!!! You deserve better. Who need him?

I go to the lobby to buy coffee and I came across to Aiden. He saw me. I try to close my wet face. He come to my table and sit beside me.

" Why are you closing your cute face?"
He take my hand down. He's in shock.

" What happened? Why are you crying?!"
I cry hugging Aiden. I cry and cry.
"Chill down. Tell me what happened."
No answer. I just crying on his shoulder. What make me feel very shock is he carry me bridal style to my apartment. He put me down on the sofa.

" Now tell me what happened. No one going to hear us now."
" We..well, Hu, Hugo told me that he going to ask his best friend to be his girlfriend and.. and.."
He hugged me.
" Why are you crying for that guy?"
I am so speechless. He's so kind to me.
" Go wash your face. Crying not looking good on your cute face."
I smile to him . I stand up and go to the sink.

" Thank you for comfort me."
" No problem. Go get dressed."
"Where are we going? I thought we going to go out tomorrow."
" We're going to the park. You seemed stress. Take a walk at the park will help."
He's very understanding me. Not like other guy out there.

Chapter 13

" You're so kind. I'm so your parents is so amazing."
" They were amazing."
"Ouh.. sorry. I don't mean to."

Seriously Sarah?! He lost his parents and I talk about it.

"Don't worry. It's not your fault. I lost my parents when I am 18 so I already got a job."

He's stare at me. I don't mind if he's stare at me but. We're in public. Everyone is watching!!!

"Umm.… Aiden?"
"Ouh sorry."

Aiden and I walk in the park. Why everyone watching us like a couple. Stop looking you idiots!!!

"Aiden, I think I'm okay now. You can take me to my apartment now. Thank you for comfort me."
" You're not okay yet."

I'm kinda short so he need to bend down to face to face with me. He's face is not a inch to my face. He kissed my forehead. I am very blushing right now.

"Now you're okay. Let's go."
He walk. I stay where I stand. I still speechless.

"You're not coming? Are you want me to carry you?"
" Ah, no thanks! I can walk by myself."
He's smile. He wait me to walk with him. He hold my hand.

" Why are you holding my hand?"
"I don't want you to get lost."

I blush. He's so sweet and caring.
After 20 minutes walking, I arrived at my apartment. Aiden get to his.

I rubbed my forehead and remember that he kissed me on my forehead. I just can't believe it! It's feels like a dream. Or maybe it is a dream. I pinched my hand.

"Ouch! It's hurt. It's not a dream? I am so happy!!!"

Chapter 14

The next day…

It's 8 in the morning! I already got a cup of coffee. I just going to hang up in my apartment until two in the evening. I'm so exited to go out with Aiden.
I know we're just friends. A nice guy like him probably already have a love ones in his heart. I hope no.

1 hour later…

( Knock knock.)

I go to the door to see who is it. It's Aiden?! It's 9 am! What's is he doing at this time?!

" Hey, Aiden. What are you doing here. I thought we going to go out at 2 pm?"
" Go get yourself ready. We will more time to have fun if we go early."

I nodded.
"You can wait at the living room."
He get in and sit on my sofa.

I get into my room. I take my skirt and I wear my Zara shirt and my coat. I just wear simple as no one know that I am a billionaire. I tied my hair and I am done.

" I'm done let's go."
He stand up and look at me.
"What? Is it something wrong?"
"You forget to wear your skraf, cutie."
I go back to my room and take my pink skraf and put it on my neck.
"How about now? Is it fine?"
" You look amazing, cutie."
He kiss my forehead. I am super blush.
He hold my hand and go out of my apartment. He stop.

" Why are you stop?"
"You didn't lock your door yet."
"Ouh. Thanks for remind me."
" No problem, cutie."
" Why do you call me cutie?"
" Because you're cute."
"Why you kiss my forehead?"
"Because I want you to remember our memories together."

I blush. He wasn't surprised with my questions.
We go to the lobby. He still hold my hand.

We stop. He look at me.
" We can get into my car."
"I want to hold your hand and walk with you. "

I am shock. Usually people prefer taking car than walking. He's different. He's so special. We walk and walk. I am so tired.

"When we're going to get there?"
"Are you tired?"
"Yes. How can you still walking?"
We stop. He take me to side of the side road. I look at him confused. He sit down and ask me to let he carry me. I just like what?!

" Don't need to. I can walk. My feet is not hurt."
" I want to spend a lot of time with you today. So I don't want you to feel tired."

He pulled me. He..he carry me??!! I am heavy I'm going to trouble him.

" Aiden. I am heavy. You going hurt your back."
"What do you mean heavy? You're not heavy. Hold me tight. I don't want you to fell to someone else."

Chapter 15

"Aren't you feel tired?"
"No. We're here!"

We're arrived at the mall. I am so going to find new boots.

"Put me down, put me down!"
He put me down and I run into the mall. I'm so childish.uwu.

"Sarah, wait!"
He made me stop.
He hold my hand. He started to walk with me.
"Where are you going to go?"
"Jewelery shop."
Is he going to buy something for his love ones?! No!!!
"What are doing at the jewelry shop?!"
I pull his arm.
"Let's go and buy something else first. I want to buy a new winter boots and maybe a new skraf or maybe we can go get some ice cream."
I pull his hand to somewhere else but not the jewelry shop!

Aiden's POV…

She didn't know the girl is her. Maybe I should make a prank on her.

Close Aiden's POV…

Sarah's POV….

Is he really going to have a girlfriend? If the girl is me, I don't mind if he want to buy a ring…

"Are you okay? You didn't speak a word to me."
He pet my head. I trying to not to eye contact with him.
"Hey look at me. You're jealous aren't you?"
"What?! N..no!…"
"So what is in your head cutie?"
" I…I am thinking about what colour of skraf should I buy. That's all."
"Little liar…"
He said.. Who is he calling little liar?!
"No I'm not a liar!"
"So who is your crush?"
I blush a bit. Of course it's you silly.
"It will be no one."
"See? Little liar."
"So to who you going to give the ring you going to buy then?!"

"Follow me."

I following him until we stop in front of a jewelry shop. He not going to give up doesn't he?

"Come on. I show you who is the girl."
What?! She's here?!
"Sit down."
I sit beside him. We are in front of a mirror.
"Look at the mirror."
I look at the mirror.
"What do you see?"
"It's me."
"That's is the girl."
"Yeah you going to be my girlfriend…if…if you want to. It's okay if you say…"
"Yes! Of course I will be your girlfriend."
I hug him. Everyone is looking at us.

" Uh…sorry."
"Choose the ring you like."
"I want you choose for me."

He look at me and smile. His smile is so sweet.

"How about this one."
He show me a silver ring with flower on it. It's beautiful.
"It's perfect on you cutie."
He said to me.
"Because you're gentle and pretty like a flower."
I blush.
"I agree. How much is this ring?!"
I ask the shop keeper.
"It's 455 euro."
It's almost 500 dollars.
"Don't worry I will pay it."
He stop my hand from take my purse. I look at him.
" I can pay it."
"It's too expensive."

I shut my mouth. He pay it without a second thought.

"Give me your hand."
I gave him my hand. He put on the ring on my finger. He look at my hand and kiss it. I am shock. I didn't expect that he going to kiss my hand.

"Je t'aime Sarah."
Chapter 16

"So what do you want to do?"
Aiden ask me. I want to find new winter boots!!!!
"I want to find new winter boots actually. It's winter in another three months."
"That's a good idea."
We walk. I'm pull his hand to a boutique. I am very eager to get rid of my 1000 euro here.

"Don't spend too much."
"Don't worry I won't."
Yeah… don't worry I just going to spend 1000 euro.
"I can see that."

I take almost all new arrival items just like bags, shoes and clothes and I also bought a new shorts. It's very fasionable. I bought new jacket, coat and of course skraf and boots. I also bought a lot of new stuff for Aiden.

"You're having a lot of fun don't you?"
"You mean picking perfumes? I having a blast."

I sprayed a perfume on my neck. It's peaches. It's smell very sweet.

"Aiden, smell this. Is it smells good?!"
He came to me. I give him the perfume bottle but he put it on the table. He bend down. My heart beat so fast. He..he…he smells my neck???!!! I am extremely blush.

"It's smells good."
I'm not saying a word just taking the perfume bottle and take it to the cashier. It's kinda expensive because it is new arrival item.

"Are you okay?"
Aiden ask me. I'm more than okay.
"I'm okay. Why are you asking?"
"You didn't speak a word after I tested the perfume."
I blush. He making me remember it!!!!

"Miss, here's your perfume. That's would be 450.67 euro."
I give her my platinum card. She look at it for seconds and she take the card from my hand.

After paying it. I think I have enough. I'm not spending 1000 euro, but 5000 euro. I never had fun like this.

"Are you tired?"
Aiden ask me. I am very tired.
"Let me send you to your apartment."

I finally got to my apartment. I just walk a few steps after Aiden send me and what can I see is black.

Aiden's POV…

I have a great day with Sarah and maybe I should thank her.

So I go to her apartment and I knock the door. It's not close. I open the door and..


Chapter 17

"Sarah?! Are you okay?! Wake up."
She collapse. Maybe she's very tired.
I carry her to my car then take her to the hospital. I'm so sorry about her.

"Hang on Sarah. You going to be okay."

I know she can't hear me. I just really want her to be fine.

After five minutes driving, we arrived to the hospital. I carry her get out from the car. Nurse rush with a schecher to the emergency unit. The nurse won't let me follow them so I have to wait at the waiting room.
Her phone is with me. I call her friend as her name is at the top.

"Hello? Is this Sarah Benjamin's friend?"
"Yes I'm her best friend. Who are you?"
"I'm her boyfriend. Your friend is at the hospital."
"What?! What happened to her?!"
"You come here first, tell her parents about this and I will explain to you later."
"Which hospital?"
"It's Bicetre Hospital."
"Thank you I will be there. Please take care of Sarah."

She hung the phone. After an hour, a young nurse ask me to follow her. I follow her to a room. I can see Sarah laying there.

"She is in a coma. Don't worry, her heart beats. The problem is she is extremely tired. I hope you be patient with what happened."
I nodded and the nurse get out. I sit on the chair next to the patient bed looking at her almost lifeless.

An hour later…

"Hey.. Aiden. How are you going?"
My chef and waiter friends come. I didn't expecting that. But I don't feel suprise.
"I fine..no, I don't know…"
I really don't know I'm fine pyhsical but not mentally. I am so worry about my cutie. She's is who I love.

"Hey, don't be too sad. She's going to be okay. Boss let you stay here he also transfer some money in your bank account. We also cook some food for you. We're sure you're hungry. Here, we made you mushrooms soup. It's your first recipe you learned from us."

He pour some soup from the thermos into a plastic bowl and give it to me. Without notice it, I am crying.

"Aiden?! Why are you crying?!"
"I don't kn.. know…!"
"Hey, don't cry. You will feel better after a bowl of soup."
"Umm..Aiden? I think we should go because our lunch time is almost over. We will come to give you some foods again. Right guys?"
Said a chef named Alice.
"Don't worry about me. You go. I stay here for taking care of her. Thank you for visiting me. I appreciate it."
I said.
They went out. I am still looking at the bowl of soup. I don't feel want to eat now. They leave me lasagna and bread. That will last for today. I just have no appetite.

(Kring.. kring…)

Chapter 18

"Hello. It's me again. I'm am here. Where are you guys now?"
"I the ward room number 105. Get it?"
"Got it."

It's Sarah's best friend. I think her name is Nina. Suddenly someone rush into Sarah's ward room. It's a girl.

"Are you Sarah's friend?"
I asked her. Just for make sure it's really her.
"Yes, I'm her best friend, Nina and you are…"
"I'm her boyfriend. I'm Aiden Green."
"Oh my God! What happened to her?"
"She's in coma. The nurse said that she is extremely tired. She said nothing critical about it."
"Thank you for caring her. It's Aiden right?"
"Yes. Have you told her parents about this?"
"Yes they from Vegas, so it's take time to arrive here."

Nina's POV…

This is the hot neighbor she told me!!?? He's hot. She's very lucky to get him.
I am very sorry to Sarah. She's laying on the bed almost lifeless. I don't know what her boyfriend feels now. It's must be hurting him so much. His eyes are swollen maybe because crying so much. Maybe I should talk to him. I hope it will comfort him.

"I'm Nina Walker. Sarah's best friend."
"I'm Aiden Green. Sarah's boyfriend."
"That's great! We are very special to Sarah. She must be love you very much."
I'm trying to comfort him.
"Miss Walker,…"
"Just call me Nina."
"Nina, how do you met Sarah?"
"Well, the story just like this. I was the most popular girl in highschool. Then, I saw a bunch of girls circling around someone and the person is Sarah. I told them to stay away from her. Since of that, I always protect her and she being famous with me. No one dare to touch her after I am friends with her."
"That's a good story."

"So..how do you met Sarah? I never heard about that from her."
"I was going to get a cup of coffee at the lobby. I want to get place to sit but every table is full except a table in the corner. The place that I met Sarah. She is very cute. I fell for her even from the first sight. So I asked her if I can sit with her. I interducing myself to her. She told me that her name is Sarah Benjamin. It's a such beautiful name I ever heard. I invite her for a dinner at my apartment. She's agreed. Before she go, I called her cutie because of her cuteness. So that's is how I met her."

"It's so beautiful.."
My stomach's sounds. I didn't ate anything before coming here. I am starving!!!
"Here, you can take my soup. I can see you're hungry."

He give me a bowl of mushroom soup. I take it from him and eat it instead. I even don't thank him before start eating. The bowl is empty. I look at him.

"Hehe.. thank you for the soup. I didn't eat anything before coming here."
"It's okay."

(Le temps des visites est terminé. J'espère que tous les visiteurs reviendront un jour. Je vous remercie.)(Visiting time is over. I hope all the visitors come again someday. Thank you.)

"I guess I should go now. It's nice to know you. I will visit her tomorrow with her parents."

Aiden's POV…

"Her parents…"

Chapter 16

"So what do you want to do?"
Aiden ask me. I want to find new winter boots!!!!
"I want to find new winter boots actually. It's winter in another three months."
"That's a good idea."
We walk. I'm pull his hand to a boutique. I am very eager to get rid of my 1000 euro here.

"Don't spend too much."
"Don't worry I won't."
Yeah… don't worry I just going to spend 1000 euro.
"I can see that."

I take almost all new arrival items just like bags, shoes and clothes and I also bought a new shorts. It's very fasionable. I bought new jacket, coat and of course skraf and boots. I also bought a lot of new stuff for Aiden.

"You're having a lot of fun don't you?"
"You mean picking perfumes? I having a blast."

I sprayed a perfume on my neck. It's peaches. It's smell very sweet.

"Aiden, smell this. Is it smells good?!"
He came to me. I give him the perfume bottle but he put it on the table. He bend down. My heart beat so fast. He..he…he smells my neck???!!! I am extremely blush.

"It's smells good."
I'm not saying a word just taking the perfume bottle and take it to the cashier. It's kinda expensive because it is new arrival item.

"Are you okay?"
Aiden ask me. I'm more than okay.
"I'm okay. Why are you asking?"
"You didn't speak a word after I tested the perfume."
I blush. He making me remember it!!!!

"Miss, here's your perfume. That's would be 450.67 euro."
I give her my platinum card. She look at it for seconds and she take the card from my hand.

After paying it. I think I have enough. I'm not spending 1000 euro, but 5000 euro. I never had fun like this.

"Are you tired?"
Aiden ask me. I am very tired.
"Let me send you to your apartment."

I finally got to my apartment. I just walk a few steps after Aiden send me and what can I see is black.

Aiden's POV…

I have a great day with Sarah and maybe I should thank her.

So I go to her apartment and I knock the door. It's not close. I open the door and..


Chapter 17

"Sarah?! Are you okay?! Wake up."
She collapse. Maybe she's very tired.
I carry her to my car then take her to the hospital. I'm so sorry about her.

"Hang on Sarah. You going to be okay."

I know she can't hear me. I just really want her to be fine.

After five minutes driving, we arrived to the hospital. I carry her get out from the car. Nurse rush with a schecher to the emergency unit. The nurse won't let me follow them so I have to wait at the waiting room.
Her phone is with me. I call her friend as her name is at the top.

"Hello? Is this Sarah Benjamin's friend?"
"Yes I'm her best friend. Who are you?"
"I'm her boyfriend. Your friend is at the hospital."
"What?! What happened to her?!"
"You come here first, tell her parents about this and I will explain to you later."
"Which hospital?"
"It's Bicetre Hospital."
"Thank you I will be there. Please take care of Sarah."

She hung the phone. After an hour, a young nurse ask me to follow her. I follow her to a room. I can see Sarah laying there.

"She is in a coma. Don't worry, her heart beats. The problem is she is extremely tired. I hope you be patient with what happened."
I nodded and the nurse get out. I sit on the chair next to the patient bed looking at her almost lifeless.

An hour later…

"Hey.. Aiden. How are you going?"
My chef and waiter friends come. I didn't expecting that. But I don't feel suprise.
"I fine..no, I don't know…"
I really don't know I'm fine pyhsical but not mentally. I am so worry about my cutie. She's is who I love.

"Hey, don't be too sad. She's going to be okay. Boss let you stay here he also transfer some money in your bank account. We also cook some food for you. We're sure you're hungry. Here, we made you mushrooms soup. It's your first recipe you learned from us."

He pour some soup from the thermos into a plastic bowl and give it to me. Without notice it, I am crying.

"Aiden?! Why are you crying?!"
"I don't kn.. know…!"
"Hey, don't cry. You will feel better after a bowl of soup."
"Umm..Aiden? I think we should go because our lunch time is almost over. We will come to give you some foods again. Right guys?"
Said a chef named Alice.
"Don't worry about me. You go. I stay here for taking care of her. Thank you for visiting me. I appreciate it."
I said.
They went out. I am still looking at the bowl of soup. I don't feel want to eat now. They leave me lasagna and bread. That will last for today. I just have no appetite.

(Kring.. kring…)

Chapter 18

"Hello. It's me again. I'm am here. Where are you guys now?"
"I the ward room number 105. Get it?"
"Got it."