


With teary eyes, I looked down at my wife. She was sound asleep, lips slightly parted. Ezinne, seven months gone and round as a watermelon. I remembered when we made this baby. Coiled together breathing from each other's breath, entwined like the weave on her hair, now loose from age. Those were the days when we could afford to sleep, and make merry in each other's arms.
Emoefe, the first born of my father, King Tokoni now deceased. For decades abandoned his people for reasons unknown to any. I was , fifteen then, barely had hairs on my man hood. Suddenly bestowed with the role of leading the great people of the Ada-iri clan.
Twenty years have passed with the taste of cold ogi(pap). Having to be a man before I knew what the word meant wasn't a pleasant experience. I wore the role with resilience, ruling men and women born years before my mother. I got married to Ezinne. The fairest of maidens.
It all seemed like life was finally adding sweetness to my cold ogi, and even going as far heating up for me. My wife lost so many pregnancies and I was afraid life was heating me up too much, but it wasn't even in motion then.
My people, funny how I still see them as mine, started complaining that I wasn't man enough to bear them an heir . The complaints grew from being a seed of rice to a full hard manhood and turned out to villagers wanting to overthrow me. Just then, as if life wasn't sour enough, My "adventurous" brother decided it was the right time to return. My, no, the foolish people of Ada trampled on more than half my life of service and decided to fall in love with my brother, who had a mouth full of stories to tell. They listened like a young naive maiden to a man with hot fervor to get between her legs. He had them within months, intercourse pleasurable. No other choice but to remove the barren king and make the new shiny one king .
As a man, no, as a fool, I fought. I fought to claim my position. But as my clan had tasted the thrust from another man, everything I did seemed foolish and even worse, a threat. A threat to steal their pleasure. In no time I was banished. I was cast out from my own kingdom.
With little to nothing, me and my wife wander this forest, in search of a home. And everyday nature continues its hard joke as I watch my wife's tummy grow.
Hmm ... King Oghenetega!, what a joke........

Castaways, like an unwanted cloth,
No one remembers the days when it served its purpose
They only see the obsolete, old and
useless piece of clothing.

Expectations are as high as the heavens from the earth
For the head that wears the crown,
there is seldom any rest.
What more do human beings expect?

Good deeds would be forgotten;
Godly gestures would be lost
But the word of the living God,
Stands forever more.

A king would be stripped of glory,
and the kingdom would no longer be his;
But like a pregnant woman who is expecting,
darkness brings forth germinated seeds.

You can hate and you can ponder,
you can cry your eyes out;
but just as night follows day,
no situation would remain the same; have a little faith.

© sage & raniel
© Faith Daniel