

Friends, just a few days ago today is Women's Day. It was a day of honor for women living in our country and in the world. It was a day for us to make their good deeds useful in our lives and to pay homage to them in our lives. .We are all inspired by the wonderful powers that are in women on this day and the good deeds they have done in life .But the question is, do we really respect women in our country? When a daughter is born in our house, we say that Lakshmi was born. When the daughter gets married and goes to the opposite house, it is said that Lakshmi came to the house and today in all societies the daughter is worshiped. Parvati is considered to be the form. Today we see that in our country daughters are being tortured, they are being brutalized like rape. In the country where daughters are considered to be the form of Ma Lakshmi and Ma Parvati It is a great shame for our country that rape and atrocities are happening day by day.
People in our country have to think that many great women like Maharani Lakshmibai, Mirabai, Panbai, Sant Shakumbai were born in our country. With their heroism and devotion even the British in our country trembled and God Himself had to come to earth. Was .Why don't the people who oppress and rape women in our country think that our mother gave birth to us and that she is also a woman. We have a sister in our house who ties a rope for the protection of our brother in every Rakshabandhan for our good. How can we respect our mother and our sister in life when we can't respect others. People who respect mother in life He who honors his sister is truly blessed in life .Because only those who honor their mother and sister in life know what the true meaning of honor is .And because of such people our Daughters in the country can live their lives fearlessly.
Let us remember Rani Lakshmibai, the great hero of the 19th war in our country. At that time, our country is proud that there were great people like Rani Lakshmibai in our country who dedicated their lives for the country and made the feet of the British loose in our country. But when sisters are being persecuted in our society, our country is still in a very shameful situation. The security of our sisters has become a big issue in our country and our government is constantly taking steps to ensure that Our sisters can be protected. Our sisters can depend on any place. We see that our sisters in our country always have to be afraid of their own safety and for them life is both like a prison where they can freely own Can't even live life. People in our country go to the temples of Ambaji, Lakshmi and Parvati and bow their heads to say goodbye to us and show us the good way in life .Worship of mother in Navratri in our country Is and is worshiped in our lives We worship for welfare.
In our country we make our life happy by worshiping mother in many ways. But when our sisters are oppressed in our country. And sisters are raped in our country. Where there is a big question of self-respect of our sisters. Does our mother really forgive us? Does the mother really give us happiness and peace in life? When such an incident happens in our country, neither the sisters of our country can become fearless in life and live their own life and the mother of our temple in our country may forgive us. Lord Krishna says that those who oppress women and There will be silence they will have to sleep on the bed of arrows and those whose eyes will be closed in spite of all this will have to cut off their heads and those who will see all this in false promises will have to fall into the cycle of truth. Those who rape and abuse cannot honor their mother and sister first and those who do not honor their mother and sister are never forgiven by God and their lives become hell.
In the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna also came to the protection of Draupadi at a time when Draupadi was being insulted and in the Mahabharata, the Kauravas were killed. If God Himself respects women and we oppress our sisters in life, then God Forgive us? God never forgives those people and takes away the honor of those who insult women in life. God takes away their lives and their lives are very painful and after death they have to burn in the fire of hell. It should be remembered that if we also have our own sister and mother, can we remain calm in life if there is an incident like atrocities and rape with our mother and sister? So is the opposite person also someone's mother, someone's sister and in some cases a mother is a life for her son and a sister is a mother to her brother. When such an incident happens in our country, what happens to the son of the mother and the sister of the brother who is the same mother for him when such an incident occurs.
If we want to know the importance of a sister in life, then ask the brother who is parting in the marriage of the brother's sister and ask the tears that come out of the eyes of that sister what is the importance of the brother in life? And if you want to know the importance of a mother in life, ask the son whose mother has died since his childhood. We talk about our bravery in many lives, but what is the use of that bravery on our sisters at that time? Atrocities happen and we can't say .We do many great deeds in life but what are those great deeds? When sisters in our country are tortured and raped, we can do nothing for their self esteem and we do great deeds. Let's talk about one thing. We should know one thing, no matter how good we are and have achieved many achievements, but when the question of self-esteem of our sisters comes up and we have achieved many achievements, what can those achievements do in our life? No.
Now the question is what can we do for the self-respect of women in the country and what can we do to ensure that the women of our country get true justice. Our government in our country has always been committed to this and brought many new rules in our country. So that women can live their lives in our country in the true sense of the word by being fearless in our country. We also have to come forward in life for the honor and self-respect of our sisters and we have to understand one thing that other women in our country are also someone else's. We have to increase the education of women in our society and make women self-reliant in our society .We also have to do life. We have to use the strengths and achievements that come with it so that the women of our country can get their own life, get their own rights and also stand on their own feet to live life with full self-respect.
We now have to make our own sacrifices in life so that women in our country can have freedom in their lives and they can live their lives happily at any time. Only then will the true victory of our lives come and in our temple Will show the way to true happiness and welfare. In life we ​​see that today our sisters can't even openly demand their rights and when they talk about their self esteem and rights, by remembering the events that take place in our country, we give them their rights. If we deprive and the women of our country endure everything without speaking, then we should also establish a society where women can exercise their rights and not be deprived of anything and they can live their lives in the true sense. Can dedicate the country and by going very far in life can make the name of our country bright in the world and can make our country truly golden.
When any daughter is born in our country, we should always say one thing in her rites that you have to be Sunita Williams, you have to be Rani Lakshmibai and you are Rani Lakshmibai and Sunita Williams and one day you are 100% Rani Lakshmibai and I will become Sunita Williams. One thing we should always remember in our life is that a woman who can build a society can also become a Mahakali in a woman and can also be annihilated. A woman who gives birth can also give death and a woman can give life in life. The woman who gives can also take prana. And it is said that one mother is equal to 100 Guru and we compare Guru with Tridev, that is why one mother is equal to Tridev, therefore we are also equal to Tridev for the women of our country. Let us respect and protect the women of our country by sacrificing our lives for the sake of their self-esteem and by respecting them in the true sense of the word make our lives truly golden and our lives truly liberated.
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