

Bad/Good Nite
My visit to a friend's home began rather normally that day. My visits to him had only just begun less than a short time prior to this moment in time because mainly because his wife was not wanting to share him too often once they got married a couple of years ago at that time, and my friend had moved a couple times since I saw him last. I knocked when I got to his front door. My buddy opened the door and immediately introduced me to another friend of his who was sitting upon his couch in the living room, except for one thing, I heard a noise in another area of the house telling me that there was another person there. After the intoduction was made, I sat down on the couch near where my new acquaintance was sitting. My eyes became focused towards that noise I heard. My buddy looked over to where I was focusing on, and began to explain that it was the live in babysitter. He further reminded me of her when his wife left him. All of his and his wife's three kids had been left to him when she took off that previous week. He also reminded me of his crisis with needing a sitter so he could keep his job.

He called her over to where we were and introduced her to me and told my friend that she would be leaving shortly. The kids were at their mom's temporary new place and with just a verbal agreement, would get them on the weekends until she had gotten a more permanent home. After a couple of hours, the sitter came into the living room joined us announcing her departure and asked my buddy if he wouldnt mind giving her a ride. He flatly expressed to her that their agreement in watching his kids was what it was and she agreed to this, being that he would not be a taxi, or a chauffeur just a live in sitter that cleans up after the kids and herself, along with feeding them. She left seeming to be just a bit angry from what I felt. As she shut the door behind her, my new acquaintance and buddy began laughing while talking loudly at what had just happened, causing me to not understand at all. "What was this was all about?," I was thinking to myself. So I stood up and spoke over their loudness to tell them that I shall return soon, after giving her a ride. My friend simply giggled out, "your funeral".
I just shrugged it off, thinking that it couldnt be all that bad or too far to where she needed a ride to, as I made my way to the door.

I pulled up to her when she was almost to the shell gas station, which was almost a mile away. It only took her a very short time to walk almost half of that distance, which told me that she was in a big hurry. She ignored me, so I drove just past her, pulled over, got out and told her that i wanted to give her a ride. She told me that she wasn't interested because i had been drinking and she continued to walk past me quickly. I got back in the car drove a little further ahead of her than the last time, pulled over again just past her, shut off the car, got out and offered her the keys so she could be the driver. She took the offer and off we went.

Now, when I said that it couldnt possibly be all that farto take her, I was right. But usually that refers to not being all that long as well.
This person went about five miles and then pulled over, made a call on her phone, waited five or so minutes, left and then went another two or three miles, stopped, and made a call, and then we left. I was getting a bit curious about then, so asked her what she was doing. Her response was that she was supposed to meet her boys back at the last stop, but that didnt happen, but didnt give me a reason, and now the meeting was to happen just up the road a couple more miles.

So after waiting about ten minutes, she called and was directed to go to another spot to meet up with her boys. About now, red flags began to fly. In my uncertainty of all of this, I voiced my concern that I'm not getting any kind of understanding no where close to who these boys are or why we weren't getting to where we are supposedly meeting up with those so called the boys, as she called them. She didnt say much to help with ending my insecurities, but instead, started the car and drove off. This time, it was all the way across town, and to me, this was the end of the line for her. I was finished with whatever was going on.

It was late enough at night, that there were absolutely no cars on the road, at that particular stop light, yet all hours of the day it was always busy with lots of traffic in any season even on weekends.

After an intense struggle within myself, my decision was made to simply grab my keys out of the ignition, and kick her out of my car at that intersection. Like I said, no cars at all on the street, so a safe departure was allotted her. She reluctantly left my car after yelling loudly, as if someone could hear, warning me, no, more like threatening me that her and her boys will get me for doing such a horrendously mean thing to her. I quickly moved over into the driver's seat and drove away. My place was way further of a driving distance away than where started from originally that night, so that was my destination. I decided to go the backroads back to my buddy's house since by then, I definitely was driving drunk.

Upon my arrival, I noticed that my buddy's car wasn't in its usual spot, so I pulled into his front yard as not to block his car when he arrived, as I had been directed to do at other times. It was clear that the house was empty, and not knowing how long before my friend returned, I had laid back my seat, and proceeded to go to sleep.

I hadn't closed my eye for no more than ten minutes when I heard the sound of his car pulling up. I pulled upright my seat and met my friend at the front door as he was wildly waving his arms about, pointing to his head, and almost able to talk clearly, but well enough to allow for me to understand what he was trying to say somewhat. It was when we got into the house, turned on the living room light that I saw what he was saying. He was covered in blood. As he bent down so I could take a closer look, I saw a definite hospital emergency level gash on his head still slightly bleeding . It was apparent he would have to go get it looked at and would be needing stitches. H noticed that I was in no condition to drive, when I was and asked him how I could help. He explained that it was okay to stay there that night and that some other friends would be coming over to take him to the hospital.

He then, told me of the circumstances behind all of this. Apparently, when his wife had left him, her brother stepped up to him to let him know how serious it was that he was never going to even have visitation rights with his brand new extra large sized radio control car that was now his. my friend let him use the Two and a half foot long toy car just before my buddy's wife had left him. He said this to my friend as he was wielding a tire iron.

The police were on their way and had arrived and were gone before my friend's friends took him to the hospital that night.

When the cops got there, I went out the back door and sat down on the newly built wooden back porch with my legs hanging over, and began swinging my feet. I noticed while sitting there, all the pretty red, and blue lights dancing upon the fence, the garage, the bushes, and the trees. Also I could see the light slightly on the very end of the deck I was sitting on. I was thinking that there were multiple officers there, but later, asked myself, for one persons statement being nearly out in the country, like we were? Not likely. But being as tired and inebriated with as much as i had to drink that night, I assumed there were multiple cops and cop cars out there in the front of the house. I wouldnt know how many there were because I could barely see, and also, I was out in the back of the house where I literally couldnt see how many there were, but that's not important anyway.

I definitely was not in my right frame of mind when my mouth nearly got me put in jail for being so stupidly drunk to the point of yelling mean, and crazy things loudly towards where the pretty lights were coming from. Things like, "damn cops! Always there when you dont need em! Only there for wasting taxpayers time, and money, and doing nothing about it, while writing down crap that dont matters so nothings gonna happen, dont lie, your just wasting time, what a joke you are. Why bother?...

Doing this, was really stupid because I didnt know for sure if I still had a warrant then for drunk driving. Many times I have not known if I had taken care of my problems within the judicial system, and really wasn't so certain as to where I stood while jumping through their hoops most of the times when trying to 'fly right', back then. My buddy told me that I was lucky that night because the officer had told him that if I didnt stop the crap coming out of my mouth soon, he was gonna haul me away.

I dont recall exactly standing up right then, or why I walked to the very end of the porch, maybe to see if I could see how many cop cars were there, I dont know, but all of a sudden, a bright yellowish/white light encompassed me completely. It felt so warm and comfortable,so unbelievably loving. There was some kind of entity or unworldly spirit, or soul, or something that came upon me and in me and basically it became one with me. Whatever this was, all I knew was this was so great, so indescribably beautiful and theres just no way to explain the extremeness of the ecstacy of what had hold of me. It was just plain too indescribable to put into words the feeling I experienced that night. Whatever it was, it was making a strange sound I had never heard before. It sounded like a bunch of pinging, like, "pingpingping p p ping ping pp pping ping ping"...

Not exactly sure how long this went on, but by the time the thing had left me, I could only be kinda certain that I had been visited by an angel.

The moment i realized what had just happened, was exactly the moment when it left me, and exactly the moment that I yelled out in extreme excitement, whooo hoooo oh, my, god, I cant believe this wow oh my god!!!" I ran into the house so full of excitement that I almost knocked my buddy down jumping on him and throwing my arms around him and hysterically trying to tell him what just happened.

About three minutes of my crazy filled show all over him I was thinking that I was beginning to cause my friend to,more or less wonder whether or not if I had a new found curiosity in us being simply only just friends. even to me, after I calmed down, felt kinda wierd for a moment. His ride showed up when he was getting the pillows and blankets for me to crash on his couch with that night. Then they left.

My head was pounding to the point that I couldnt care less if it come off from my neck, in order to take away the pain that next morning when the door opened which had ended my sleep. It was my friend getting back from the hospital. He immediately began showing me his stitched up head. After I determined that I was correct in emergency care while inspecting his sutures, he asked me if I remembered last nights events. I excitedly replied "are you kidding, how could I not?!?" He asked me if I would like to hear it. Strange as that seemed, I said sure, not knowing what he was talking about, while giving him a look of bewilderment and uncertainty of whether he just might have gotten hit on the head a bit too hard last night. He had told me that he has surveillance cameras in back but the video part doesnt work, only the audio.

His VHS player had recorded the sound of all that occurred during the night when it was set to record, which he does every night. So after continually rewinding and fast forwarding the tape until we heard me cussing at the cops, we began to listen closely after pushing the play button. For around a half of a minute before hearing my voice with all the excitement, nothing was heard except the sound of thunder right before the half a minute, and then it was just quietness for that half a minute, then just before hearing my excited voice, that same thunder was heard. I kept going over and over it to try if I might have heard differently or anything more, but it was clearly the sound of thunder.

My friend tried to explain it away by saying it must have been the wind, but I was outside, not him. There was no wind that night at all. What I figured is that the heavens opened allowing the angel to visit me making the sound of thunder, and after the angel went back up, made that same rumbling when it flew back there.

Days went by with my curiosity running crazy in my mind with the need to know what that was and why did it happen to me.
So I found my 1887 bible, which I bought at an auction for $37 dollars, placed it in front of me, asked God to point me in the right direction using the book, then I closed my eyes, opened it up, and wherever seemed like it was the right place, I stopped flipping the pages, pointed with one finger,and then began reading at whatever spot my finger landed on. What I read was, that when or if,( not too sure), an angel should come upon you, it sounded like the sound that would be heard while plucking a harp

I cant recall where in that bible it was or what it said exactly, but what I read and believe it to be, was a warning to get away from where that crazy nights occurance began. Friends come and go and because of other strange things, i did just that. For instance, his five year old son came from across the street one day, yelling excitedly that he just saw their living room and daddy and mommy on their tv set. And how a neighbor just got imprisoned for two years assaulting an FBI agent by chopping down the tree next to my buddy's house causing the agent to get some kind of physical harm. My friends neighbor told his him that he had seen someone a few times sneaking around his house and that one night, had taken a chainsaw to the tree already, with already knowing he had permission from my friend in doin this if given the chance. Another time my friend saw someone peeking into their living room window a few times and waited to catch him the next time this happened, but had only found a cinder block sitting up against the house just under that window. And then theres the other strange thing, the live in sitter was given that job the same day the sign stating, "babysitter wanted", was placed on the lawn next to the road. She had been babysitting only a little less than a week when I met her that night. With no application, resume, background or credit check required, my buddy hired her on the spot and she had been the first and the only one person who had applied. Probably because she brought the sign up to the door with her that day.

So I never went back there