Treasurer Up
That day was upon them as they walk
they made it to where they must go
but when they go there they did not
know what they would see
they see only the worse
but it's not I am a patient
in a state of limitations
trying to restock supply
in the eyes of Covid 19
an it's many strands
there was the people
who found a gold mine
in the walls of downtown
And the people worked
all day and night to
put it into a car and
get it back to were they are
it was heavy but what was bigger
then that the Landers
wanting the people not to go
far with this new found treasure
which could help many
but no the Landers were played to stop
the clock so that it looked as if
no movement and everything was still
but that was not the case I...
they made it to where they must go
but when they go there they did not
know what they would see
they see only the worse
but it's not I am a patient
in a state of limitations
trying to restock supply
in the eyes of Covid 19
an it's many strands
there was the people
who found a gold mine
in the walls of downtown
And the people worked
all day and night to
put it into a car and
get it back to were they are
it was heavy but what was bigger
then that the Landers
wanting the people not to go
far with this new found treasure
which could help many
but no the Landers were played to stop
the clock so that it looked as if
no movement and everything was still
but that was not the case I...