

Treasurer Up
That day was upon them as they walk
they made it to where they must go
but when they go there they did not
know what they would see
they see only the worse
but it's not I am a patient
in a state of limitations
trying to restock supply
in the eyes of Covid 19
an it's many strands
there was the people
who found a gold mine
in the walls of downtown
And the people worked
all day and night to
put it into a car and
get it back to were they are
it was heavy but what was bigger
then that the Landers
wanting the people not to go
far with this new found treasure
which could help many
but no the Landers were played to stop
the clock so that it looked as if
no movement and everything was still
but that was not the case I was fully awake in the knowledge that I was putting my energy some were else
to get the treasure out so we all ride into
the night turning back to day
And we see a car in the rode stopped
oh know it maybe a trick
So we don't want to go near
but he leaves us no choice
So we see a man and for reasons unknown to us he wants to be our
rode block about thee world
And we paranoid does he know and want a share of what's ours.
well maybe but it's like this I am not
offering up an important information
which will have us without
So they stop but he on another level
So he pulling gun after guns
at the people just trying to survive
what we are into know
So his bullets do hit
And we run back into the night to our on ride which drives us past him
like a video game
unending I drive and crash his car
And we laugh and roll on out
of his situation to another
pass him and I see in my rear view
mirror he starts picking up speed as
if to catch up speed to get to us
but we cross back from the area
to another place but was this any better
maybe who knows but we got treasure
And we kicked a strangers ass on the rode. And we didn't lose him
but we call our friends in another place
but they gone So we think that they
are busy but no they are not it's a fight
of that land which we have came back to.
now so what do we do a hotel would be
nice to lay low so we go and take that
treasure to and no on is the wiser
at this point but the rider on the rode
who was ready to shoot instead of listen
to me an you. Think we lost him
but we're there more out there like this
wanting to fight us for finding and keeping safe the treasure so we slip and eat long drive and spilt the reward 4 ways
no one is the wiser to this so.
So just then we hear shoots ring out in the middle of the night. Oh this is sad but we all must be safe so we drive
And get away from what might be try
to get at us in the wrong way in the
early morning hours when no one
is really watching how we roll or
out there but really traumatized people
living what's known as a paranoid
life for now not knowing who or what
is coming for there treasure next. Oh it's Bars of liquid gold.

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