

Introduction of a NEW MISSION
The blood from his hands fall down rapidly. The white tiles of the hospital turns into red . It looks like someone came and fell down a bucket of blood . The white sheets and pillow cover all turns from white to red. Some of the nurses are shocked and some are faint . The doctors didn't understand whose action it is . The police arrived at 7:30am , they interrogate to the staffs and collected evidence fingerprints, in case any. After 2 hours of autopsy from the report it's known that the killer killed the victim at 5:39am and the killer was left handed. From the coroner it's confirmed it's bare hands strangulation first, thereafter he cut the viens of the both hands of victim, and veins of the legs too .
The victim was Amit Kumar Trivedi. He was a writer and a resident of Mumbai and came to Kolkata to enjoy Durga Puja and he also wants to made a documentary about it , from his friends and beloved, police gather this information.
At first it's an extremely violent murder , so other rest of the patient getting scared, the media also taking that advantage by blaming the staffs of the hospital, police and government . They also arise a question about the safety and the security of the patient inside the hospital. The police team take charge of that case, they sent there best officers to investigate the case . The new police team interrogate all of the staffs of the hospital from the beginning and try to see the footages from the cctv if they manage to get suspects, nothing important come from the cctv footage All of the hardwork of the police not going to vain . Right opposite of the hospital there is a huge flat from there a boy came to the police and said that he was watching someone entered the hospital about 4:45am with uniform of the doctor but in his right hand there was something but which he can't saw properly. He said that he was studying for tomorrow'exam so he was awaking. The police is trying to find if there is any enemy of the victim or not ,from there, two suspects are found. Both are the residents of the Mumbai and they are writers and competitors . They don't like Amit ,because he take there positions and they never came to Kolkata since 4 years. The police started to observe the crime scene from the beginning and they found that something which they didn't notice previously and that is hair from the victim's bed which is not the hair of the victim. The police then test the DNA reports of the hair and all staffs of the hospital's including doctors and nurses but that DNA report is not matching any of them. The police then try to match this DNA report with the criminals from the prison . Finally there guess was right. It's a ex-prisoner who escaped from the jail ,
3 months ago. His name is James Gomes, a notorious criminal basically he is a caanibal . The police caught him from Digha beach, because he killed his girlfriend and thereafter he cut her whole body ,burned her and eat her. The police use there informer and spy to get that man. After two weeks they finally got his location of his residence. Generally he stayed there in the morning for 4 hours from 6am to 10am after that he go to somewhere like movies, parties, hooka bar, disco and brothels. The police don't want to make any mistakes so they used all the informers at the above mentioned places and they used other polices in civil dress also. Months after months they used all there network but they are not getting success. Finally one day from a informer, police get to know that he is in brothels. All the police force go to the brothels but in civil dress. They move towards the upstairs and where they find everywhere, there is sound of moaning or bargaining , or they attract the customers by removing ther saree etc . Police arrested him from upstairs but one thing that surprised them that was , when they arrested him he was not trying to escape or not convence to cop that he wasn't guilty. He just give a little smile and go with the cop like a innocent person. But he died in the police van. Forensics prove that cause of his dead is poisoning. From his pocket police find a phone where they find 24 dialed calls of Rahul Chatterjee . The police caught Rahul Chatterjee from his home , after interrogate, he confessed that he gave money to Gomes to killed A.K. Trivedi.

When police take him to the jail, Rahul Chatterjee was smiled himself because he knows that , he did it what he wants to do . At first he helped Gomes to escaped from the prison thereafter he gave money to him for killed Trivedi , thereafter he informed police informer and gave his current location and at the brothels he gave a overdose drugs to Gomes so that his cells of the body became tardy and sloth . So he can't even try to escape from police , and police caught him very easily . He dialed Gomes as much as possible so that he became easily highlights in the eye of police . In the first round of the interrogation he confessed that by Gomes he killed Trivedi . Rahul need a team for his next mission so he need some men which he can easily find from the jail. It was just the password of his entry of the jail.

But now the question arise who is Rahul Chatterjee and why did he killed Trivedi and what is the relationship between Gomes and Rahul, how did he find him ?

Hi readers, all this answer will come to the next part and it's just the introduction of a new story or new mission .

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