The Things that I do for Love
"Nah Itz nothing honey.." said mom while Dad covered her finger with a cotton but the blood was pouring out of the wound and spread along the cutting board."I was just helping mom",I said as I moved away from the kitchen island.I could see the anger and the sadness in my father's face as he dressed my mom's wound.The anger was evident as he looked at me."He is just a kid honey..he was helping me to cut veggies"said my mom.
My mom looked pale and the whole cutting board was covered in blood.I moved a little behind with shock as I saw my mom's finger on the cutting board near to the knife."Don't you touch any of these things on the cutting board till we get back"said my dad at a high tone.
The blood from her hand created a trail on the wooden floor as Mom and dad moved towards the car to get to the hospital."Close the door and don't open it until we get back"said my day as he opened the car door for my mom.I nodded and agreed as no words came out of my mouth after the sight of the fingers on the cutting board.The Shelby made a roar as her engine fired up.With a growl she rolled towards the hospital.
I could smell the gasoline in the air as I watched the red brakelight disappeared from my sight as it took a turn towards the main road.
I went inside and locked the door.It was past 10.I went to the store room and grabed a spare small bucket and a cloth.I filled the bucket half with water.It was a small bucket that any 8 year old like me could easily carry.
I moved towards the kitchen and with a tissue I grabed mom's finger which was on the cutting board and dropped it on the bucket.I wiped the entire cutting board with...
My mom looked pale and the whole cutting board was covered in blood.I moved a little behind with shock as I saw my mom's finger on the cutting board near to the knife."Don't you touch any of these things on the cutting board till we get back"said my dad at a high tone.
The blood from her hand created a trail on the wooden floor as Mom and dad moved towards the car to get to the hospital."Close the door and don't open it until we get back"said my day as he opened the car door for my mom.I nodded and agreed as no words came out of my mouth after the sight of the fingers on the cutting board.The Shelby made a roar as her engine fired up.With a growl she rolled towards the hospital.
I could smell the gasoline in the air as I watched the red brakelight disappeared from my sight as it took a turn towards the main road.
I went inside and locked the door.It was past 10.I went to the store room and grabed a spare small bucket and a cloth.I filled the bucket half with water.It was a small bucket that any 8 year old like me could easily carry.
I moved towards the kitchen and with a tissue I grabed mom's finger which was on the cutting board and dropped it on the bucket.I wiped the entire cutting board with...