

A word that sounds so deep full of obstacles to be understood? The fact is … the deeper a knowledge is, the simpler that is. Why?

Because it was originally from simplicity that piled up to form a thick layered chunk which made it even more complicated.

Likewise, justice. This is wisdom.

In the beginning there is the truth, then it is established, manifested in reality through wisdom.

--- Meanwhile, wisdom is enforced through justice. Then, how is justice enforced?
--- Justice is enforced through rules that enforce priorities.

Measuring Your Abilities & Opportunities

1. recognizing your own strengths
2. recognizing your own shortcomings
3. identifying strategies for overcoming one’s own weaknesses

From here we are able to respond to stimuli to be converted into expectations (idealism) that are fulfilled (realistic) without neglecting the benefits (pragmatic)

This is how justice will be realized precisely, not partiality.

Do not let someone defend justice beyond the ability to bring them down, which is actually much more needed to help justice in other places that are more prioritized.

Because justice cannot be enforced arbitrarily. Because we are not invincible creatures. It needs self-preparedness, it needs compromise as a strategy. So we become wise.

Justice is not just sharing, but sharing to the right circumstances & time, equipped with the ability & adequate opportunities themselves, so that it has the power to provide solutions.

One sentence describes justice ...

Justice is to prepare oneself the best we can, for those who really need us, not justice for those who need us less than needed by others
© Seremonia