

High and Dry
Write a story based on the phrase "You will realize a person's worth when they are gone."
She sat alone on the bed. You could always find her there. She always seemed to find a place just for her to go to, so she could be alone. She tried to make the space the most comfortable spot she could, she knew much of her time would be spent there.
She was highly sensative .which means her empathy was so much stronger than most peoples. Her intuition was keen, and she could pick up on others emotions. This would come to wear her down very easily. She did not have very good control over this gift, and most times it seemed like a curse.
She was not sure if it was the curse of the empathy or something else that kept others away from her. She is terrified to love anyone, because anyone she has ever loved or cared about has bailed on her. Yep, left her high and dry. Talk about abandonment issues. She had them. Bad.

He was keeping himself busy like usual. To busy to stop and notice any issues that may be arising at home. Any person that may need his attention. He was good at this too. If something was going on that did not pique his interest, well he would just ignore it like it was not happening. It was like a gift. His ability to ignore certin people was astounding. He also had the gift of dark psychology. He was a manipulator. Very good at it too. Narrccisstic with rare traits from time to time. He was keeping busy this time to avoid any conversation that had to do with the move. He didn't want to hear about it. He was busy walking around the house picking out things that did not belong to him, to make sure they did after their rightful owner left. He deserved it anyway. Putting up with their shit this long. That is the least they could do was pass along their crap to him. He was also thinking of what female he was soon to entertain. Should it be the one that came by last week, not caring if his long-time girlfriend was inside or not. OOOH OHH she was a freak. Leah was her name. Yeah, he liked her, and she lived just right across the street. He was thinking and deep in it. When someone tapped at the door.
"Hey John" he said as he opened the door. "Hey Lance." John murmered. "Is she here?" "Yeah, she is in her room." Lance pointed down the hallway and turned on his heel to go back to daydreaming about whores, and rifiling through Nichole's things.

Nichole was planning on making a life change. A complete start over. She had been worn down to her very core from the last few years spent with Lance. Nobody agreed with her dating him, but they were all use to it. Hearing about the fights, how he kicked her out walking down the road at 1a.m. again. He was a prick like that. With a huge ego and sense of entitlement that he did not deserve. He was skinny. Average height, but stick-bone skinny, with copper hair that stood all over the place with wirey curls. He was not a looker, but Nichole thought he hung the moon. Nobody could ever figure out why.

John walked in to check on Nichole making sure her depression was at bay today. "Hey there girlie." John said. "I came by to check on you, and drop off this sack for Lance."
"He cashapped me money yesterday for a half ounce." "Oh" Nichole said wondering where he got the money for that. Did he win at gambling and actually cash out? She thought to herself. She sat quietly as John started to weigh out the drugs. Nichole was a small framed girl and she looked very tiny in her oversized bed. Her hair was blonde and was usually on top of her head in a ponytail. She had unique features that made it hard not to stare at her natural beauty. She definatly did not have trouble turning heads. No. Her trouble was more with keeping the hearts once she caught them. Quiet murmurs escaped from her room as her and John continued to talk. Lance was still going back and forth from the living room to the garage toting things that were soon to be all his.

Nichole was deep in a depression this time. It happend often when Lance was being a real doucher. She was making some crazy decesions this time though. She was packing up her things to move to California. By herself to boot. She swears she is not coming back. She has insisted on only packing the clothes she is going to need, and giving away everything else because she will never be back to claim it.

She had spent the last couple days in bed, only get worse, and worse it seemed. It was no skin off of Lances's back. That just meant she did not bother him while he was trying to get work done around the house. He has all of this stuff to sort through. He really didn't have time to deal with Nichole's depression and bitchy attitude he thought. Every single time he walked into her room to ask her something she would just stare off and not ever say anything. What a buzzkill. He really made a point to go in there as little as possible. Geez, maybe that is why he has not wanted to talk to her the last couple of days and spent most of his time ignoring her. He was ready for her to get on a plane. Any plane. Just out of here. He had a big head so it seemed, and had it set in his mind that Nichole could never leave him. If she did it was only temporary and she would be back.
Little did he know.......

Nichole got up and smiled at the sun shining in her window. She took a shower and was singing loud like she use to when she lived on Glenn with Wendi. That was better times she thought. "Billie Jean is not my lover" She sang as loud as she could with the music. It felt good. It was going to be a good day. Today is the day she starts her new life. She has spent so much time being invisable to the person she loved. Being kicked down, told she was ugly, and to blame for most things. Of course she was depressed all the damn time. Look at what she dealt with. He was a bullie. She was done putting up with his nonsense though. Her confadence has grown 10 x over night it seemed. She was standing tall and excited about her new life. She also knew she was never going to look back. This was goodbye forever. She was rinsing her hair as she thought about how sad and lonely Lance was going to be when it's too late and he realizes her worth after she is gone.

© Nichole H.