

women patience
Part #1
She was combing her hair preparing herself to go to college ..When she was going she suddenly stop...off...She talk to herself .Why I always forgot my Labcoat .Then she go to the hostel room and took her lab coat .She was the student of medical college almost senior student she was studying in forth year..She is the only dear sister of her five brothers ..When she enter her department she saw a girl which have a letter in her hand .That girl came near to her and give her that letter she was worried that who wrote a letter for her ..She kept that letter in her bag and step forward to her class ....After taking her classes she came to hostel ..At the night time she suddenly remember about that letter when she open it ...She became shocked it was a proposal letter .On that letter their is no name of that person who wrote it ..she was so confused ..then she go for sleep ...Next day when she go to medical college .......
to be continued.....