

GrandFather Protective Shield.
"Although I experienced significant illness today, no one reached out to inquire about my well-being or offered assistance. May I kindly request your support in picking me up? Your previous response indicated that such assistance may not be forthcoming. Enduring the physical discomfort and exhaustion, I was compelled to continue my journey for several hours on the bus. I leaned back in the seat, my eyes tightly closed, as tears welled up.

In that moment of distress, I found no means to wipe away the tears that flowed down my cheeks, although the cold wind offered a momentary sense of relief. There was an unspoken plea for companionship, as though someone were silently encouraging me to seek solace.

Upon returning home from my journey, I was met with an atmosphere of silence, as no one inquired about my illness. I retreated to my room, slamming the door in frustration, and succumbed to tears as I released the burdens weighing heavily on my mind. Despite standing under the shower for what felt like hours, the chill of the water did little to alleviate the burning sensation within, a product of the turmoil festering in my thoughts."
© Niyathi_Arya