

Waking contion
For the first time I opened my eyes. It was terrifying. All the wonderful things I had enjoyed got scattered. In my head first leading me to trip. Tripped uncontrollably to the floor, now I can see that was my only talent. I looked up to the tree that I once could climb, the games I could once play, the way I could once make friends in the blink of an eye.
I wanted to stay there, on the floor, under the green tree outside. A droplet had fallen on my forehead. I dashed to the next opening, it wasn't that far however my breath said otherwise.
I was in the hallway, that hallway that I loved to run through for no absolute reason. Today that hallway was choking me. The walls started to get closer to me. I was held by them like a criminal. Is this what it felt like to open my eyes?

© Staircase