

Slowly dying
I woke up one night, hearing a noise I hadn't heard before... My heart beating frantically. "hello?" I called out horrified "is anyone there?" I repeated again, Suddenly... my eyes turned to the window, where the noise was coming from. I couldn't believe that I was home alone with something, something I didn't know. I got out of my bed and then all of a sudden it turned ice cold, it was like the temperature just dropped, but why? I opened my bedroom door slowly but it creaked, the moment I had realized it had made a sound all the colour from my face vanished! Had I now disturbed the scary creature lurking by my home. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door calling my mom not able to say a word due to my heavy breathing, my mom sounding worried on the phone, the only thing I remember her saying was "I'm coming home!" I was relieved to hear that someone was coming to help but what if it would get me before she arrived. But then out of the blue I felt a slimy, sticky and weird creature touch my back and whispered into my ear. "I will get you one day Hannah, one day" I quickly turned to find it was gone, I was glad it was gone but for how long? I heard the front door creak open, yay my mom was finally here I could tell her what had happened, that's what i wanted to do but i was scared to because what if he came back or will scare me again so i decided to not tell her, she ran up the stairs and knocked on the bathroom door. "Hannah are you in there?" she asked and all I said was "yeah" then I opened the door and she ran in hugging me. "are you ok, what happened?" she sighed "I'm fine, just a bit overwhelmed. that's all" I replied and that was the end... she never spoke to anyone about this. And she never left me home alone again I either went to my family or friends house or she stayed home...