

Dear Diary (Part I)
Dear Diary,
Today is my birthday! But, some people ruined it. At 12:00 am, my mother along with my siblings are cupcakes with me and gave me gifts. That was great. But then I checked my messages. None. I remember when all of my friends stayed up to wish my friend Amy. Even me. I stayed up for all of them. But no one cared about me? This whole friendship feels onesided. I guess sometimes there's more to receiveing love than giving out all of yours. I feel really annoyed that I had to start off this year in my life with tears in my eyes, but it's okay. I'll manage.
The coronavirus is really annoying now. It's so sad that such a small germ has caused the world to go into panic. I can't go outside, have my party, or get any gifts because all stores are closed.
Anyway, it's 2:01 am now, and I should go to sleep. Night!