

Out of reach pt 4
That night at dinner Jisoo's father had something important to announce.
"Yeji will be staying with us for a while." He said. "What, says who? Are you really going to let her stay with us?" Jisoo complained.
"It's only for a little while and then she'll go right back. Her mother has to go somewhere for work. She'll just stay for the weekend."
"But why with us isn't there someone else?"
Jisoo continued to complain,she really did NOT want Yeji to come over.
"Don't tell me you're gonna go along with this mom!"
"I don't like this either, I'm sure she's just coming to dig for dirt. " Auntie replied.
"Exactly, she's just gonna cause us problems" said Jisoo.
"I know you both don't like this but she really has no where else to go." He said.
"Fine when is she coming?" Jisoo asked, she was calmer but her hands were crossed.
"Tomorrow morning and I want you to make her feel welcome?" He said.
"I think Yeji is just influenced by the wrong person. Her mother hates us so she grew to also hate us as well." Auntie explained.
"Do you think she can change?" Jisoo asked.
"Maybe, and your father's right we should make her feel welcome. We shouldn't show back hate."
Jisoo pov: I don't trust Yeji and I'm 100% sure that her and her mom are up to something. Mom and Dad may be ok with this but I'll be keeping my eyes open. And even if I disagree,it doesn't matter because it's already arrange.
"Ok, I'll try to be welcoming." said Jisoo.
That night Jisoo and I could hear her parents talking from the bedroom and Jisoo still wasn't happy with Yeji staying over and I didn't want to ask any questions about this either because I thought it wasn't my business to know.
Morning came and Jisoo and I were getting ready to go. Jenny gave a call saying that she would pick us up so when I opened the door I expected it to be her, but instead it was a girl with long black hair tied in a ponytail and a really gorgeous outfit.
"Who are you, the maid?" She asked.
Before I could answer she handed me her luggage and entered the house.
"Excuse me but I'm not the maid. I'm Elodie, Jisoo's friend." I said while handing back her luggage.
"Welcome Yeji, how are you?" Said Auntie.
"I'm tired, I wanna go rest." she replied.
"Would you like anything to eat before you rest?" asked Auntie
"Well if you insist,I want a gourmet doughnuts and fresh banana milk."
"If you want a dessert we have chocolate mousse and as for banana milk......."
" No if you don't have that then I don't want anything else. Can you just show me to my room?"
That was when Jisoo came downstairs holding a bag and her phone.
"Elodie, their coming in ten minutes so are you . ......oh you're here."
"Hey sis, did you miss me" she asked with a smirk.
"I'd be lieing if I said yes." she said with absolutely no emotion on her face. That was when Auntie gave a little cough and I could immediately tell it was a reminder for Jisoo to be welcoming.
"Would you like me to show you to your room?" Jisoo asked with a half smile.
"Of course" she replied.
Jisoo pov: she's going to be home with mom, it will just be the two of them and I don't know if mom will really keep an eye on her.
*It was just the two of them walking in the hall,I was in the living room.*
"Dad has a really nice house" she said
"Yes, my dad has a nice house. You'll be staying here only for the weekend so..."
"Yes,only the weekend so I'll be out of your hair within a few days." Yeji interrupted.
"If you're not tired, would you like to go out with me and my friends.?"
Jisoo pov: If she stays here then she'll probably snoop around my dad's office or something it's always like that in movies, when a bad guest comes to stay,they usually want something.
" Wow, well I didn't expect that. Why do you want me to come with you?" askedYeji
"Would you rather stay here with my mom?"
" It's not like I'm gonna be hanging out with your mom. I have work to do so just show me to my room"Yeji replied.
We eventually left the house and drove off.
Youko and the twins were already in the car.
"Aneonghaseyo sisters!" yelled Jennie.
"Aneonghaseyo" we replied.
"What's so special about Bakchon Hanok Village anyway?" I asked.
"It's a living museum,you can experience what it was like to live in ancient Korea 600 years ago. They are restored and preserved neighborhoods, you can explore Korean culture and meet really cool people." Jisoo explained
"Living in ancient Korea? Sounds legit." I said.
We arrived at the twins Aunt house, it was old but beautiful. The roof looked like it was painted in gold and the outside walls looked like shining rubies.
"You're aunt has a really good style choice." I said seeming impressed.
The interior was even better,it was lavish, classic and had it's own twist all at the same time.
"The place looks different from when we were here last time."said Jennie
"No,she changed some stuff." Jenny replied.
When we entered there was a guy at the door,he was tall but looked just about our age.
"Ladies...... come in." He said.
We made our way to the dining room where there was a dinner prepared for us. Hoeddoek, bulgogi,kimchi,bibibap all traditional quisines. Is it just me thinking this or do Koreans eat a lot. I'm honestly not sure. I think it's just me.
"Anneonghaseyo Imo." said everyone as they bowed. I just looked at them like I was that one clueless freind. Then I did exactly what they did immediately after.
"Where are you from? " she asked.
"I'm from France" I replied
"But you are black?" she said.
"Perhaps an imagrant?" she continued.
"No I was born in France" I replied.
"Oh,ok. I'm just asking because I've never seen you before." she said.
"Imo, you made so much food, it's as if you want to stuff us." said Jennie.
"But you are so skinny,you need to eat more. I'm pretty sure that if I threw you and your sister along with a feather, the feather will land first" She replied.
We sat down on these type of mats that kinda looked like pillows and began eating,very loudly infact. It reminded me about the time we ate ramen on Orientation Day.
"Do you also have family members that stuff you up and say your very skinny but then complain that your too fat?" Jennie asked.
"That's my perants" Youko replied.
"My Dad doesn't really care but my mom on the other hand...... she loves cooking,she encourages you to eat but she won't complain that I'm too fat." said Jisoo.
"What about you Elodie?"Youko asked.
"Uhm,my mom doesn't really care." I replied.
"What about your Dad?" she continued.
There was a moment of silence.
"My Dad isn't with us, it's just me and my mom." I replied eventually.
"Oh, well is he dead or divorced or what?" Jenny asked.
"I don't know, my mom doesn't like talking about him." I replied.
"So you don't know anything about him?" Jenny continued.
"My mom just said that he left us.......... and I don't need him, I've managed fine without him." I replied.
"But what about all those missed birthdays, what about father's day,who tought you how to ride a bike?" Jenny asked.
I just remained silent because I was now irritated.
Elodie pov: I don't need him, there are so many others out there that don't have father's but are happy with their lives. Mom made sure that I was happy,had good birthdays and as for riding a bike? I tought myself,I don't need a father, I'm independent.

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