

What do you feel right after your heart breaks? Is it pain? Is it sadness?
The first time I had my heart broken I was 22. Maybe if you can see it coming you can prepare yourself for it, cushion yourself from the thrust, but for me it was a sudden stony blow. "We" became a lie in an instant. It was as if I was standing on this edge all these years, never knowing what lay beneath, and someone just appeared out of the blue and pushed me into nowhere. I lost my anchor. And down I went - falling, rolling, tumbling - deep and deep into the abyss.
The pain - it wasn't only emotional. Or mental. It was more physical. Excruciating. I could sense it spreading throughout the length and breadth of my body. My hands, my feet were numb. I was empty from within - just my skin and my flesh burning when being sucked into the crushing void.
That night not only did I break, my perceptions of love, trust, faith everything were in pieces. And each piece stung like a million needles. I was helpless, I had none to go to. I couldn't cry, I couldn't sleep. I kept staring at the blank bland ceiling of the room maybe looking for an analogy. I tried reconnecting the pieces, but nothing made sense anymore. It was too dark to see anything clearly.
I was wrecked. I was hazed. I was lonely.
Maybe after all it wasn't a privilege to have my heart broken by you.

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