

As Time Travels.
Cynthia finally turned up, at her daughter’s house nearly an hour later, than originally arranged.
Carly, was beginning to think that her mum wasn’t coming, due to a sudden change of mind.
Carly hadn’t noticed any new messages to her phone recently from her mum, then some anxiety and worry started to form inside her. Just as Carly was about to send a message her mum. Cynthia, materialised in Carly’s hallway, within seconds of Carly sensing her there. As she
opened the kitchen, through the tinnitus and through the movie she had on in the kitchen and through the loud sound of the kitchen extractor fan, Carly said hello to Cynthia.
The meal was hot and ready for them both to sit down to. Carly, asked Cynthia a few questions about her morning just out of sheer interest. “We didn’t go to church today, because Shelia was very late after colouring her hair blonde, this morning. So we went for a look around at the windmill place and i had some cheesey chips, as i hadn’t had any breakfast. It was only a light bite and we ate at 1 o’clock”. Cynthia explained.
Carly, felt quite put out and annoyed with Shelia, particularly knowing that she had only mentioned a coffee and not the cheesy chips, when she knew that Cynthia would be going to Carly’s for a Sunday lunch soon after.
This was all in addition to an already rubbishy day, so far. That ranged from complete disappointment and miscommunication to annoyance and inner frustration of her emotions along with some symptoms from a health condition flaring up again, that morning.
All the wild still needing to be strong and putting on a brave face, to the external world in which she occupied everyday.
At the table, Cynthia had mentioned to Carly that her vegetables were very cold.
“Why are these vegetables not hot?” Carly, was just coming to the end of her meal and the food that remained on her plate was still warm and not cold. So, she couldn’t quite relate to Cynthia’s complaint of cold food.
“Look mum, if you feel that it’s not hot enough for you, i can heat it up.” Leaving the dinner table and her own meal there, in order to heat up her mum’s food, in the kitchen, to keep her mum happy.
When she brought the plate of food back through to her mum, she felt that would as least please her. A few moments later, as Carly waited for her mum to finish her meal, that she’d heated up for her.
Cynthia, turned to Carly at the table and said, “I can’t eat this now, i’m full.”
Carly, was feeling quite tested and so the remaining food was discarded as waste. Which she was not feeling happy to do.
Within 10 minutes of explaining that she was full, Cynthia was soon eating a small piece of salted caramel cheesecake at the dinner table.
Carly’s day wasn’t really improving in the way that she was hoping it would but she was glad to spend at least a few hours with her mum.
Unfortunately, the little happenings through the afternoon were just constant reminders that only confirmed what Carly already knew about Cynthia’s worsened memory. As awful as this present situation was, Carly was use to this horrible neurological illness that Cynthia was slowly and surely experiencing. At the same time Cynthia was a very proud woman who never liked to ask for help plus, she was also in denial to with it all, as she couldn’t admit her decline to herself or to her family.
Carly, was use to this situation, as this would be the third time in her life that she’d her going through it too with a member of her family. With each time, it was never easy and this time she knew would be far worse as it was her mum’s journey into the unknown.
As Carly said goodbye to Cynthia at the front door.
Carly felt a deeping feeling of sadness not only for herself and her son, but for her mum too. As Carly closed the front door, after watching Cynthia walk off down the road into the distance. Carly thought about how time travels along, as she recalled the happier times, that they’d previously shared as a mother and a daughter. Through the many years of both of their lives so far.


© Josephine Daniels.