

Cousins.... Part 3
We are close enough to the beach that the waves have brought us in. Jameson ties my suit back in place still without saying anything. He lifts off the board and walks us in.
I am caught off guard when he lifts me off the board and puts me on my feet in the water. Luckily I didn’t squeal during the process. Jesus he is a lot stronger then I thought. He lifted me like I was nothing. I don’t like the silence, is he mad? Is he hurt? But most importantly should I care? Yes I do care, dammnit. I turn around to gauge his reaction but he’s gone. He is already 20 feet out in the water paddling fiercly on his board to get away from me. Yes, he is angry.
I am the one who told him to leave me alone and now I am the one who wants to cry. I turn away from the water and look a the beach and all it’s happy people. Who is family, who isn’t? I want to be alone. This day has been something else for sure, dread, then happiness and now back to dread. I have no idea where I am going but I need to walk. I look up and down the beach and see off to the left that there is trees and jungle so I start walking that way.
I don’t know how long I have been walking in the sand but my thighs are starting to burn. I lost all people a long time ago and have been alone with my thoughts for some time now. I still have no idea what to do. Everything in my moral being is still telling me that this is wrong but my body and heart are telling me it is so right. Off to my right I see two totem poles marking the opening of a trail. Where does that go? I shrug and decide I am feeling adventurous.
The trail is well walked, it must be some kind of attraction from the hotel or something. I really hope no one is here. I am about to turn around when I come to an opening and see a series of different natural pools. Hot springs? Well that stinks, I am hot enough as it is. I dip my foot into one to test the water and find it a perfect cool temperature. Ohh that is so nice. I look around and see that I am still alone. I do see a sign,
“Welcome to the amazing Arctic Pools, a strange cool phenomenon in the heat of Hawaii”. I sit down on the edge of the larger pool and slowly get in. I am not sure how deep it is but my feet finally find the bottom. I am on my tip toes so it’s just the right depth for me to float around. I dive into the water and swim around underneath, letting the cool water relieve my hot skin. I push off the bottom and push hard shooting start up out of the water. This is the best, I need to come here more often these next few weeks. The long walk is worth it. I let the water sooth me and float on my back in the middle of the pool.
“I didn’t know what I was going to find when I found you but I have to say… Damn.” I jump up out of the water like I was electrocuted by lightning. I look up to see Jameson standing at the edge of the pool looking down at me. He is not looking at my eyes. I follow his gaze and see that my top moved in the water and both of my breasts are on full display in the clear water. I spin in the water and give him my back. Oh my God, Oh my God. I rush to right my top and both strings come undone.
“Shit!” I am so caught up trying to tie it back in place I didn’t hear Jameson enter the pool behind me. His large warm hands land on my hips and I jump.
“I’m not going to hurt you Gwendolyn, why are you scared of me?” I bring my arms down and cover myself. I can’t turn and look at him.
“I’m not scared of you Jameson, I just… You’re very cute, hot actually. I’ve never… done this sort of thing before. Take the fact that you’re my cousin out of the equation and I would still be acting this way. I’m sorry I can’t be one of those bold girls who throw themselves at you but that is not me. Also as you know I am not into getting used.” Jameson lifts me and turns me in the water until I am facing him. He has sunk down into the water and grabs my thighs until I wrap them around his hips.
“I like the way you act Gwendolyn. I don’t want some slut who will throw themselves at me just because they know who I am and how much I am worth. You were attracted to me when you had no idea who I was, what I do for a living…. I haven’t had that in a long time. I don’t care that you’re my cousin. Answer me a question?” I look up at him and search his face. He seems to be telling the truth, he has honest eyes, i nod. Jameson pulls my hips in tight against him nesting his hardened length securely against my nether lips. I gasp, that shouldn’t feel as good as it does. I’ve read about sex, watched a few gross pornos before turning it off, I am not ignorant but I’ve never felt the touch of someone else.
“Are you a virgin Gwendolyn?” Why does that matter? Is that something your suppose to share upfront with someone else. I know in relationships it should be but this is not a relationship, right? I try and pull away from him but his hands hold firm on my thighs. My shoulders hit the side of the pool and I have nowhere to go. I also look rediculous holding my hands across my breasts since my hands don’t cover all of me.
“That’s a relationship question Jameson, I told you where I stand. Plus you’re my…”
“Gwendolyn, I don’t care. I have never done anything like this before with a family member, You are the first, I have many notches on my bed post because I was young and it was fun but then I realized it was my money they wanted and a ride on my dick. Answer me.” I have a feeling deep down inside that I will regret this but… I can’t lie and tell him that I don’t want anything to do with him.
“Yes I am.” I can see the desire in his eyes, why do men find a virgin to be so appetizing? His eyes move from mine to my chest,
“Let me see.” Not a question, a demand. My heart is pounding in my ears. My hands are shaking when I remove them from my breasts. My suit is still over my breasts but I can see my nipples through the material. Jameson grabs my suit and slowly pulls it away.
“You have amazing tits Gwendolyn.” Jameson walks closer so that he is flush against my body, my breasts are pressed against his chest. Holy hell that feels really good. Jameson moves his hips and his cock rubs against me. I moan softly,
“Jameson, I’m not ready for that. I don’t want to lose it like this.” He nuzzles my neck and nips my shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I won’t do that to you, not like this. Losing your virginity should be special… What I am going to do is make you cum. I want to see the look on your face when I do.” Jameson grinds his hips deeper and faster against me. I hide my face in his neck and hold him close. The next time he moves his hips he hits the perfect spot and I am biting his neck before I realize what I am doing. Jameson groans and slides his hand into my hair before pulling my head back. My eyelids are half open when I look up at him. Jamesons comes in close to me and then we are kissing.
I moan into his mouth. His tongue pushes past my lips, he tastes amazing. I have lost any sense of thought at this point.
“Jameson… please.” He moves his hips faster against me. This is so much better than doing it myself. I moan loudly as I fall off the edge of the abyss in his arms. My body suddenly becomes limp in his arms. Jameson holds me up,
“You’re beautiful Gwendolyn. I have never enjoyed watching someone cum as I have watching you.” My thoughts are scattered, I can’t speak just yet so I don’t try. I just breath and let the after shocks rock my body. Could sex be better? Ohhh, what have I done?

The walk back to the resort is a quiet one. I don’t know what to say or where to start even if I wanted to talk. Jameson and I are walking through tables when I hear.
“Gwendolyn darling!” Ugh, I do not want to talk to my mother right now. I turn and see her at a table with my father beside her. I walk over to her and see that Jameson is following me.
“Hello mother, how has your day been going?” She preens and looks at a much younger man next to her.
“This is William Helmsly of the Boston Helmslys, his family is vacationing here as well. I thought you too should meet, he’s single.” I almost throw up in my mouth. My mother is practically trying to sell me off to someone she just met because his family has money. William stands up and extends his hand to me. I look at him and take his hand. He squeezes it much harder than he needs to and his eyes take on a dangerous aire.
“Hello Gwen, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” His eyes roam over my body and he licks his lips. I swallow hard,
“It’s nice to meet you as well William.” He gives a dark smile,
“I look foreward in getting to know you much better in the next month. I hear your single and looking for a mate.” My mom laughs like she is thuroughly enjoying this. This William gives me the creeps. I pull my hand out of his and step back pumping into Jamison who doesn’t move so I stay against him. I feel safer knowing he is here.
“I am sure we can find some time to get together.” He nods and my mom prissles.
“Gwendolyn, you have plenty of time to get together. William will be joining us for dinner tonight.” Behind me,
“I will be joining you as well.” Jamison does not sound happy. William quits undressing me with his eyes and looks behind me at Jamison.
“I don’t believe we have met, you are?” William does not like Jamison, well that is just to damn bad.
“Jamison, her cousin.” William smiles at Jamison and nods,
“Perfect. Gwen, I was just fixing to grab a meal at the Tower Cafe, would u care to join me?” My mom gives me a look of death if I decline.
“I need to go get changed first, I can meet u there in say, 30 minutes?” William nods.
“Sounds great, I will see you then.” I spin on my heel and quickly walk away. It’s suddenly hard to breath, I don’t want to have lunch with that man or be anywhere near him. He gives me the creeps. I jump in an open elevator but before it closes a hand stops it and Jameson gets in with me. He does not look happy. He punches the “8” on the wall and I jump. He doesn’t say anything. We both get off together and walk quietly down the hall. Opening my hotel door I walk in and expect to be alone but Jameson follows me in and closes the door loudly. I jump and spin to look at him.
“What are you doing?” He is glaring at me.
“Oh so you want to have lunch with that prick hmm?” He is not going to yell at me.
“No, I do not. That man scares me, did you see how he was looking at me? Did you see the look on my moms face? She would have slaughtered me if I had said no.” My pulse suddenly sky rockets, my breathing speeds up right along with it.
“What do I do? He looks like he wanted to eat me or hurt me, or BOTH!” I shriek! My vision is filled with tiny little black dots. Jameson grabs my hands and sides me down on the bed.
“Calm down Gwen, slow deep breaths.” I do as instructed, or try; Jameson must not have liked my progress because he grabbed the back of my neck and pushed my head down between my legs and holds me in place. When my vision is clear and my breathing finally slows he lets me go. Jameson is on his knees in front of me when I sit up.
“Gwen, I would never let him hurt you. Plus, you won’t be alone. I will call the guys, we’ll have lunch at the Tower Cafe as well. You will be un my line of sight the entire time. If he tries anything or gets out of line I will be right there to put an end to it.” I nod, ok, yes I can do this, I think.
“Is the Tower Cafe a ritzy place or is it beach themed and outside?” Jameson smiles,
“That’s my girl, a strong back bone that you try to hide. It’s Ritzy, It’s on the top floor of this building on the right hand side. Once you get up there, there will be signs for you to follow. Now…” Jameson looks me up and down.
“What are you going to wear for this once only date.?” I quirk a brow at him,
“What if this is one date of many?” Jameson growls and I laugh. He responds by pushing me back onto the bed and pinning me to the mattress. I gasp at how quickly he had me down and got himself positioned right between my thighs. I am not that easily pushed around though. I give his shoulders a shove which he awards me by grabbing both of my wrists holding them above my head.
“Are you taunting me on purpose Gwen?” I lick my lips and nod.
“I… I… I was just teasing you.” Jameson uses his mouth to move my swimsuit out of his way so that my breasts are bare for him. He nips my left breast and I gasp.
“These are mine Gwen…” He sucks my nipple into his mouth and I wrap my legs around his waist. Ohhhh! How does he get me so excited so quickly? I have never met someone who could do this to me. Jameson lifted off of me and to the side just enough that he pinched my nether lips. I try to pull my hands free and can’t. I whimper when he moves his fingers back and forth.
“Jameson…” My hips move with him on there own. Next thing I know he takes his hand away and then smacks me between the legs. I have no words, he just short circuited my brain again.
“This is mine too Gwen, isn’t it?” I must not have responded fast enough because he smacked me again. I gasp this time, that is doing things.
“Gwen…” Is it? Have I accepted this as a budding relationship, with my cousin? The ties on my swimsuit bottom become loose. Jameson grabs it and pulls the material away and off before flinging it across the room.
“Damn Gwen, you have a pretty kitty, and she’s wet for me.” Jameson pops me again, this time on my bare flesh. My nails dig into Jamesons hand.
“YES!” I am panting heavily. Jameson pops me again; if he keeps doing that he is going to give me my second orgasm by a hand other than mine.
“Yes what?” I open my mouth to speak when he pops me again. I moan this time.
“Jameson if you don’t stop that I…” he pops me again and my whole body tightens, I am right on the edge.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” He pops me twice,
“Yes my pussy belongs to you.” Jameson presses his palm to me and massages until I shutter in his arms moaning loudly. I pull him close to me just as my orgasm hits and again just like earlier I bite down on his shoulder. Jameson groans above me. He grabs me by the hair and pulls my head back. I release his shoulder and immediately feel terrible. I try to pull away from him, I am so embarrassed. Why do I keep biting him? Jameson does not let me go. I close my eyes as tears start to well up.
“Gwen, whats wrong?” I shake my head but remain silent. Jameson still won’t let me go.
“Gwen…” He sounds so sincere, like he really is worried. I turn to look at him and the tears fall down my cheeks toward my ears. Jameson rubs my cheeks. He looks so concerened.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong, was I to rough with you? Did I scare you?” I shake my head no and touch his shoulder.
“You keep showing me something so beautiful, something I never knew could be so amazing and I keep trying to eat you. I’m sorry I keep hurting you.” Jameson pushes hair back behind my ear and smiles at me.