

Dont blame yourself
Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do run the opposite way or face your fears? My fears were clowns killing kids . . . then that came true. I had dreams or should I say nightmares. They all came true sooner or later. My first friend died in my nightmare and they did die by drowing at sea. Am I cursed or blessed, more likely cursed. They all happened to me and people I love and sometimes I wonder to myself if anyone knows why it is me? Is anyone going through the same things as I am? I met a boy and we got to know each other very well. I noticed that I had feelings for him. My nightmare came but the boy died by being in a car accident. Next he was alive and healthy and this continued for months and soon it became it a year. The boy confessed his true feelings to me and we both found out we like each other. Nothing happened and I wonder if he changed the future. We started getting ready for our wedding. The day before the wedding, I found him kissing my bridesmaid. Sooner in like a few hours he got stabbed but not like in my dreams. I cancelled the wedding and I coudn't do anything about the future because it seems like no one knows what's ahead, not even me. That was my life lesson that no one knows what's ahead and not to get close to no one at all.

Remember to not blame yourself for something you can't control. No one knows what's ahead of life or in the future and reasons why those happened.