

Life Of A Simple Boy Chapter 1
There was one boy named Vikas he used to live in Gandhinagar, his father purshotam was a retired teacher and his mother sushma was an housewife. Vikas was very good in studies and he used to always come first in his studies but he was only one child in his family, his father was retired teacher and his father's pansion was very low and so because of that after 10th standard he left his studies and started doing a job when his father saw this his father was feeling very bad for his son. After 10 days Vikas went out to find a job, and he was very lucky boy he got job immediately and he started earning but one day when he was on his job he got news that his father passed away and his house was also soled by bank members they told Vikas that his father had taken loan for his studies and he didn't pay that loan back and so bank is dealing his house. Hearing this Vilas started requesting bank members to not to seal his house but they didn't listen, bank members sealed vikas's house and because of this Vikas tried to suicide but his friend Ravi told him don't feel bad and stay calm so that you will get some answers suddenly one idea came in his mind he immediately went to that office where he was working he went there and told his boss that he wants some money but his boss didn't gave him money so he went home and started crying then after 15 minutes his uncle came and he told Vikas that this year his exams will be online so he should relax and no need to worry about money government will give him scholarship to study.
Next part coming soon...............
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