

The Girl In The Shadows
The Young Girl Would Hide In The Shadows Of Every Corner Of The City She Lives In. She Was About 7 Or Maybe 8 Years Old. Living In The City Of New York. The Year Was 1988 And The Crime Level Was As High As It Ever Has Been In Probably Over 20 Years. Even Though The Little Girl Was So Young She Beats All Odds Against A City Full Of Crime And People Of Defiance. But For A Child That Is So Young She Was Determined To Make A Difference In The City That She Had To Grow Up In. She Wanted To Make A Difference For The Future Generation. By Giving Them A Chance To Grow Up In A City That They All Could Be Proud Of. But Is It Possible For One Child To Make A Difference In A City That Is Filled With So Much Crime And Hatred. The Little Girl Was Going To Give It Her All To Make The City Better For Everyone That Lived There.
But As Time Went On She Started To Realize That The Crime Was Not Just Were She Lived, But It Was In Every City In Every State. As That One Child Grew Up And She Became A Adult She Realized That The Crime Was Just Not There It Was Everywhere In Every City, In Every State And In Every Town. But She Was Even More Determined To Make A Difference.
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