

magical freindship
once upon a time there lived a girl named sneha ,she was of the age 20,college girl and in her family her mother, father and sister lives with her. but when she reached college she left her home and took admission on the college of Mumbai and live with her friend Riya . It was her first day of the college she was very nervous and she and her Riya studying in the same college
on the first they when she was introduced to everybody by the teacher .all want to make friendship with her she make friendship with the whole college.
name of some male friends are snit,arjun,Iqbal and faisal.
this soon becomes very good friend one day the five friends Riya where going toward the sea for making the scenery. Riya was tired and fell asleep whereas the 5 draws and talks and spend time with each other .
After few time sneha realised that she was hearing some voice "sneha see in the sea"
she asked you other friends that are you wearing anything from inside the sea there replied I think so we have also heard something it was saying something see in the sea let's see what is inside to see then in few seconds one man was appeared who was all visible with water the man was like a water body then we wear all scared we catch your hands and just try to relax but we can't by saying this scenery and then the man come to the moving toward the landwe were all scared ofthen also I tried to ask who are you hi Sen weight my child I will say your answer I know what are your questions I will answer all of them question now
then the man take them to another place by just making voice in his mouth they all wherefall down asleep for 1 hour.
after 1 hour when our eyes open our dress was all changed willing onewe were lying on on a bed full of comfort and the shoulders where around us moving here and there we were all square the fairies look like butterflies where swimming in air overall gain where we have came to our we have died the questions with too much that we screamed out in excitement and in scare and nervousness.
where is the man came who has taken hair hi Saint my child don't worry I will answer your all questions but at first I should introduce you this place and my name is is creative you might have already known that this is heavenand don't worry you are not die I have brought you for some purpose in the life of this world.
we were shocked creator and wants to brought us from some purpose what was it we were too too scared but when he says he was creator without it was of our good then we relax for minutes.
then and he said yes in your dresses that look very cute and pretty in human then silent voice came the rescue attractive is ready now
creator what is this rescue attack team cancerousthis is a team who has a great power in them and the power is of their friendship from everyone and attack for each other they were a great friends and do you want to know who shared their those friends we answered yes why not he brought some square model thing a long square with long bread he brought and then and he answered here is your answer here is the thing you are shocked what is it that is simply remove the cloth then we were shocked to see that it was a mirror we are is it Mera the team cancel no my child the person in the mirror are the team but PC but creative we are in the mirror are we insert emergency you are only the rescue but acting we were shocked and this painting down what we are the name of the heaven what a great pleasure
visit to him it is our greatness but we don't have any power is the ungrateful of this team he answered my child I said do you have power on not your power is friendship but the addiction Power Will you will be getting in your practices but promise me that you will not take this power as granted but this power will be for your good thing and for the earth's betterment we said creative we promise you that we will create Earth the best heaven and make all peaceful and make our friendship more than ever ever ever will not die for Each Other will kill for each other create a replied wonderful my Giants very good come here and I will give you a magical ball just you take in your hand and see in the mirror ok my child yeah but at worst you close your eyes and touch the ball and his see in the mirror what happened next first Actfirst Faisal band accident Iqbal and after that origin and after that Sunil and after that me then what happened was unimaginable when we cut the magical ball step by step our all dress change route with a new fashionable modern dress and when we when I move backward all of them said that something is my in my bag when I want to see I can't they hold a mirror I had seed = a tattoo made of rescue attack symbols we were so pleasant that we screamed wooow.
my child I have given you this power for good don't use for emails you will get your power soon by practicing but Evil powers will try to break your friendship and take over all your power but your friendship is the best power beyond all this powers so make your friendship at that level that no one can break anymore bi set yes why not creator we will make your dream real then he said ok so lets you see your house visit our your house is here only we said but Earth doing your duplicates are there do you want to see shoes are the pics of our duplicate with Riya in the evening of in the sea and the colleges we were all shocked off then we thought it is a real have in then when he took to our house so pleasant it was a large house like all Palace but one palace for 15 hours we were also the room carries one big living room one big bedroom one big bathroom washroom conducted with magix all kitchens all outside how is there anything swimming pool pub party hall music chairs always separated of and it were of more than anything funny.
he said my child do one thing first you most in the shopping mall and buy something for needed for everyday carry without shopping but we don't have money medicine the shopping mall of here don't need any money is it needs only patience and pleasure we said oh my pleasure to happy my friends hold my hands and send amazing write I send your.
on the shopping mall we buy miniature sarees for house mobile phones we have gifts refrigerator extra extra where given SP to others about mini dresses like exactra inner dresses Exeter Exeter Exeter
and then when we arrived at a how we put all that things in a house and create a case to practice and on the practice hall alway Imagica said that we have to reach the top only E with making some formations with five people up how to make it who will in the first and hope for will be in the last we should decide my all friends took my cat my hands and move me forward I am stock to buy the force needed in up why you dude you anyone can ride you can also replied this is the correct answer because you are right and you are the captain of the team if your friends don't agree my friend said a why we will not agree you are our captain I was so blessed with I become the captain and when we will go to rescue somebody I will be in the middle and equations will be like this only so in the shopping mall many of them tried to tried very attractively attract me to them but I don't my friends call and get them they is to say something other something is hidden now also with me as a gift creative give us the power of pushing and forcing to each things we can do and then in the next practice we get the power of wind and by this only by practicing in practicing we get the power of been water fire and I think so you know the power of Nagmani get that also we can transform us in the ichchadhari Nagin and fairies and many more things we can transform of with a great pleasure soon we have the powers of Maya Chakravyuh and one ring was provided to everyone that was the ring of confidence and that was the award of us and we have kept in 1 suitcase of our home in heaven and then suddenly you have to do motakka sweetheart what powers left out we had got our many more power creator said magic is the World That Never and create a cause to a very great place and on that place we get the power to transform our dress and be invisible by taking out their less or by moving out of their only and by handling our duplicate he teaches us and we were all thought out and how to move our magical car there is by spelling some words that is movemagical Slate was a white mirror type it was moving it acts as the address it it feels from a heart and it moves automatically paste of figure as a result he give us mobile phones laptop and one digital watch the digital watch give us all the location and commission what we want and our home carries assistant Pro and helpline Pro and whenever any one is in danger or we are in danger when means when we have to move from that place a back will show some reaction some not Shine but it will show that some pressure from the back realise that pressure and we will move out from there are we can heard of sounds then our practice after six month of practices and magical many several magical powers were displaced from there and move to our respected or home then and when we move to our college on the day of Thursday we were doing our history class at that time our back covers a force my friends wear nearby to me with sitting with mean decide we have to go now what to do I said said don't worry we can make statue also so let freeze them after dead Diva duplicate here then we add second free them off and the time and then we we have duplicate hair and remover up and on there when we move reached to go and there was a sea where all many several peoples were forced by a tornado and its lumber Dam inside so we thought of asking that people and ending that tornado so who which people will lying nearest to the cones we catch them and buy flying with all peoples was shocked to whom they we don't know and then we when all the people were out of the sea without of ending that tornado so 5 all catches Each Other tightly and moves in a sprinkling way in the opposite direction of Tornado and hit the Tornado and hit the tornato and mix with it and in our direction the Tornado and the power of the tornado was finished and we all were rescued then all the people thought that we had died because of him there is crying who had them who were the Super powers then suddenly all catch me side by and make like two boys decide one me in the middle and two boys this side and be moved upside and in our car and stop in the air and go to the landthey asked who are you replied where rescue at acting ok if you think we are super powers of helping you the hero you want you want to add then and and all the people were saying rescue at and Zindabad Zindabad where was invented recent don't say thank you we had done our work are work is to make the world a better place and the we will rescue and attack for everyone in newspaper all the headlines with this only receive attack team who is there there where they came of their the magical powers then we have like this only and our powers were introduced to everyone so as the people of earth the real power is also get to know suddenly The Evil power is no that there will be but when they and so fast they don't know so that Evil powers also started the the hidden games of them so we wear all moving to the party at that time our back force in some people said savers rescue Tag Team we are in danger The Evil Power Will killer soon come here fast not evil powers let's get to work Riya was going with us we can't move like that so we said you want icecream we take out with leave out duplicate behind and go go go to have them and then when we reach there we find the people where all in one place and the evil power is removing all around scaring them and they were all 5 mins 1 but scared like v so we thought when we move towards them they multiplied and X multiply to several but we were not the several but we know all things have one then we thought the real person my only one others are all magic so to remove the magic find the original personal hit the person very badly so the evil power name was Marina and she was moving like a spirit but speed also have the shadow everyone have the shadow method of finding that shadow because mind power it will contain the shadow for sure when I was sure that she don't have the power to move the shadow but we have she was his spirit that we can who always leave in the shadow we were also having the shadow she was catching me by my shadow but I said make plan with my friends in a heart because she can't hear then we thought of using our new power that is Shadow removalbut in spite of that Harshad was there without removing it when we try to remove it she ran but at last you was no more and this story was standing here but the other experience another adventure will be in the next story