

I usually do wonder how comes Santa never visits my place; despite me sending all those letters to him since twenty years ago. Now I work as a child's support person. I have become rich but my only dream, wish and desires is to one day receive a gift from Santa. Living in Africa where it never snow's might be the main reason why he never comes so I became the children's Santa. When Holliday's cames I visit many places delivering gifts ,only that this year was to be a bit more than others. It's the year I got the present I needed the most .

Signs did show themselves it was going to be different .But my stubborn self (that made me be rich yet single) could not agree with it .It was just going to be the same as the others. We parked all the best we could get and beggan our journey. Not knowing misfortune was ringing the doorbell. My company vice-president wanted to sell the Christmas gift that was a ritual for more profits despite the company being a multi-billion profit company. Sometimes giving back to the society what it gave to you is the best reccunation of life; not letting our inner demons kill the hyenas in us with greed.

The journey beggan from Nairobi giving them those at disadvantage food ,warm clothes and blankets, toys and hope for a better tommorow. After their
the teams spilt into three main groups that would latter split. Mine took the Nakuru road via Nyahururu. I loved seeing the water falls there and each time I would pay for five hundred people to get to see that enjoyable veiw of the Thompson's falls (Called Nyahe falls by locals or falls) . We would then climb down and take some pictures of those precious memories and veiw. Then give out the presents to families and later take the road to veiw point ( in Subbukia) where we would see how the rift valley was and not in books .

As we were moving from Subbukia past laikipia University our vehicle had an explosion.My version began to be blunt. I looked at my hand and saw blood, tones of it ozzing down to the ground. Pieces of human flesh were all over the place .The cars still burning with all its might. As I was losing my vission time and again I saw a humaniod shape dragging me to some place .Their were grass and tall tress all over , some cows to. Not long after that did I lose my conciseness completely after entering somewhere dark with a little fire burning in the middle.

"What ...what is this place? " I asked soon after I got to open my eyes .I searched around the house but could only see fire in the middle of the mud house .I tried to put myself to sit but couldn't mannage to .After sometime staying their alone someone finally came .
"Who are you ?"I asked the young beautiful lady that was next to me. She wore a blue unfinished jeans and a sexy top marching her complexity and beauty. Her eyes deep brown , her hair well shaved on one side wich was died black and on the other smooth twisted black and white rasters .Her face had a chamming smile and smooth cheeks .
"My name is Violet and am an ...that does not matter now ,what matters is that you are now safe and sound." She replied
in a bird sweet heavenly voice .

"Do you remember anything that happened before getting this injuries?"she asked. thinking of it I noticed that I didn't even know whom I am and what happened . Luckily she didn't force anything on me .Days passed and became weeks .Yet I knew nothing of me .She took me to the farm with her , we went olso to the market and on weekends we had some fun together .She even named me Gabriel after the late ceo of Santa's co. since we were look alikes.On one Friday something happened that left me in shock .

After having some fun in the night club we were heading home .I had drunk five vodca bottles but still didn't feel high .A gang of five came to as and impolitely told me to give my woman to them and I can walk free." You don't wanna mess with the Goner or you will be one of the casualties ,give us your gal and you can walk free ."
Instead I did beat them , well three of them being specific the other two were handled by Violet who also had a gun in her hands. Like damn serious who is she? Whom am I?

Whom am I ?Am I fucking damned to never know my name? How could I beat three gigantic hooligans who had weapons on them and not have a single scratch nor single blow caught me off guard.It was like I had done this my whole life. A bycle kick , double kick ,two punches ; one on the cheast and the other landing on the chin ,and that sweep .It was like I had each counter measure of their attacks and mine landed some serious K.O'S. And who is Violet ?Why did she have a gun on her? I really do need to figure out this myself seams I can't trust her to.

A few weeks passed by with more work and less talk.Each time avoiding situations than confronting them. It went on like this two to three weeks until Violet came up with a nasty plan for us to talk after having supper.
She came to my room and claimed that she could not sleep in hers since all her beddings were washed.I had no choice but to give up her bed for her.Then slept on the floor. After some time I felt something caressing me .As soon as I turned around did she kiss me and directed my hands to her breasts. OMG! she was fucking naked. Her body smoothly curved into a sexy divine one. She then took her hand down to my little brother. What followed was the king and queen of Kamasutra .As we played with each other's bodies from the floor to the bed to the wall .

After talking the shower together I initiated a conversation." It's been a month and I still can't figure out whom I am I wonder if it's now a blessing or a curse not knowing my past ."
" I think it's a curse since you were such a nice guy."
" You say as if you knew me."
" You have no idea."
Psychology 101 seriously rocks ,it's said that when a person is tired it's hard to lie like at night.
"Mind if you tell me?"
"Sure I will tell when we get in bed."

" Once I was a private hitlady then I meet you .You were sweet , kind and all I could ever imagine what my man to be.But before I meet you I was given a job by a very powerful man, your assistant ceo .The deal was that I get to kill you coz behind that pretty face of yours you were the one behind all the deaths behind the massacre in the slums," I could see her tears running down her smooth face .

I just hopped that I didn't raise her hell back to her ,but still I needed to know the truth of myself." Before I could kill you ,you did something I couldn't imagine . Instead of begging for mercy or sorts of that ,you just wanted to clear you name before you could die . You then told me to give you a posion that would kill you in three days so you could prove your innocence and rest in peace.

" You never asked who sent me to kill you .Never told any person your life was in danger .I didn't know if it was being brave or being ignorant and stupid. A day passed and another but still you treated me as friendly as possible.
Till we confirmed on the third day that the one behind those killings was your assistant ceo. I didn't get to kill you and you gave me a mission to protect you as you collect evidence on the messed up staff your ass.. hahahaha mmmh you se what I did there ass as for assistant, was involved in .

"But that didn't happen since he planned another event which I saved you from and now we are..."
she couldn't hold anymore of her tears ,and her fragily anglic voice as she told the story. At her most vonerable she still told me all of it and the evidence we had. I was now confused on what to do.....
OMG ! did I just fall in love with a killer. No .... no ! am dreaming .I gotta be . How can I ? How can we? And did I just have sex with someone who once wanted to kill me .

latter on we did give that piece of ass the justice he needed and as for as for the two of us we got married after a couple of fights , private naked wars, public dissatisfied onces both on television ; literary a couple fight ; and a millitary one.
But we still are lucky to save each other's butts and have two great kids

#think dirty😉😉😊
© ndegef