

Today is a great day.
Today after prayer and meditation to give thanks to God for a new one and to say infinite thanks for that special day that is a Sunday, a day that reminded us of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I decided to go to the beach and take a bath.

Today it's a nice day. It is a day where I felt at peace and tranquility with myself. I am having a good time healthily because I have no problem with my owner who is God.

When you make peace with God, many good energies come to you. You start to see things differently. You enjoy life in a very healthy way because you are in good company. People can see you alone but you are not alone because you are with Him. You will see that you have no more desire to adulterate, to fornicate, to get drunk, to defame, to speak lies, change partners every so often or even go naked to make yourself feel good. You will feel good at any place because you have as a partner the only one who can make you feel good and make you find the good meaning of life: God. When you are with God people can see you are different and you can spread them with your joy, with your way to be. All of these are the advantages that you have when you make peace with God.

Today I feel more than good. After meditating, praying to thank my God for everything, I took a good bath in the sea, I returned home, cleaning a little and made a delicious spicy food to eat. I feel more than good today with God's help.

What a beautiful day was today!

2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Hey, if you don't have God in your life yet, I invite you to have Him, so you will know the true meaning of life. Shalom!

© RebChrist888