

Ends In Aid Season 1 Part 22
(Voiced By Frank)
Well, I have been invited by Anderson, Ruth's dad to eat dinner with them at their house. Well, to my view, this is weird because Anderson is the man that killed my dad and he wants to see me and talk to me and get to know me more since I'm his daughter's boyfriend. Despite the fact that I'm the son to the man he killed, I'll still have to be present at this dinner because I know that he doesn't know who I really am. He thinks I am Nathan whereby I am Frank. And he wants to know more about his daughter's boyfriend but honestly I can't tell him everything because I have to be somebody I'm not.
Can I really keep the deception going?
Can I keep being someone I'm not?
Can I keep being Nathan whereby I'm Frank?
Should I tell my dad's killer the truth and put my life at risk?
Or should I keep on lying and not worry about my survival?
Well, I know that it's not right to lie but what am I really gonna do at this moment?
Well, it is extremely true when they said that when a person starts lying, he or she would keep on lying in order to cover up his past lies.
So, lying ain't good.
But I'm undercover in this situation, if I blow my own cover, how am I gonna take back my company from Anderson's hands.
I've got to do whatever it takes to take back what is rightfully mine.
Honestly, I have never been to Ruth's family house. I usually don't visit Ruth at her home. I have never met her dad, Anderson before and neither has her dad met me before.
So, this gives me an higher opportunity to deceive her dad that I'm Nathan whereby I'm Frank.
It is in the evening, around 7pm and I've made sure that I've worn my most expensive suit. The suit my dad bought for me when we visited Washington a year ago.
So, Ruth came to my house with her car to pick me up and then we went together in her car to her house.
Won't lie, her house was so beautiful.....much more better than my house. Well, why should I be surprised? When her dad is much more richer than my dad.
We walked into her house and saw her dad sitted on a couch in the parlour.
Well, I didn't know that the man was Anderson, her dad until when Ruth told me "that's my dad".
So, I respectfully greeted him "good evening sir".
He replied "Good evening my son in law".
I said "hmm, sir, I'm sorry for trying to oppose you but I'm not your daughter's husband".
He replied "but you will someday be her husband, right?".
I said "hmm.....maybe".
As Ruth asked "maybe?".
Honestly, the way Ruth looked at me at this moment really made me to understand that she didn't like my answer to that question.
So, I tried to rephrase it and correct myself.
I said "sir, please, sure. I'll definitely marry your daughter".
He replied "well, I was surprised at your answer. I really don't expect you to start thinking of marriage when you two just recently started dating. I just hope my daughter doesn't break up with you like she broke up with her ex-boyfriend, Frank. If she could break up with a longtime boyfriend, I really don't know about you. So, my advice for you is to step up your game if you ever want my daughter to keep you. Well, what can I say?...my daughter is really hard to get".
I said "yeah, I'm happy that your daughter accepted me. Don't you worry sir. This love we have for eachother is so real. It ain't gonna fade away any sooner".
He replied "well, I'm not worried. It's you that ought to worry about that".
I said "yes, sir. Thanks for the advice".
Ruth replied "well, I'm here. I know myself dad....you really don't have to say that I'm hard to get....you really don't have to warn my boyfriend.....he knows verywell that he's got to behave himself. And besides dad, can we just get to the reason Wbu he's here.....To have Dinner with us".
Anderson said "lets us go to the dinning room and have dinner".
I replied "thanks sir". As we all walked into the dinning room then we all sat down on different sear at the dinning table. I sat beside Ruth while Anderson sat infront of us.
As the Housemaid is serving us food, Anderson said to me "well, your name is Nathan, right?".
I answered "yes, sir. That's right".
Anderson asked "okay, so, how old are you?".
I answered "well, sir, I'm twenty-two years old".
Anderson replied "that means you are a year older than my daughter".
I said "yes, I am, sir".
Anderson asked "so, did you also finish youth service this year?".
I answered "yes, sir. I did.....with your daughter".
Anderson asked "how long have you two known eachother? Because I've learnt that your relationship with my daughter started just recently".
I answered "well, hmm, I've known your daughter since university. We were just friends still recently we fell in love with eachother".
Anderson asked "really?".
I answered "yeah".
Anderson asked "and why is it now that you two fell in love?".
I answered "well, because she was already in a relationship with Frank since her year one in university. I have always loved your daughter, sir".
Anderson asked "so, that means you were waiting until my daughter and frank breaks up, so that you can use the opportunity to be her boyfriend. How am I sure that you're not the person that destroyed my daughter's relationship with Frank For your own selfish reasons?".
I answered "well, sir, I'm not a bad person. No matter how much I love your daughter, there is no way that I could destroy her relationship with Frank rather I respected the fact that they were in a relationship".
Anderson asked "so, while they were in a relationship, not once did you wish that they broke up?".
I answered "yes, sir. Not once".
Ruth said "dad, please, can you stop asking him questions and let us start eating".
Anderson replied "well, Ruth, while we are eating, we will still be talking".
As we started eating the food.
Anderson asked "so, What is your talent?".
I answered "well, sir, hmm, I don't know yet".
Anderson asked "wait, you don't know your own talent?".
I answered "yes, sir".
Anderson said "you have just got to be kidding me".
Ruth replied "come on, dad. Nothing is wrong with that. it's not his fault. It's not everyone that knows their talent. So, dad, please, don't make it sound weird".
Anderson said "well, I'm not blaming him for his inability to know his talent....I'm just surprised".
Ruth replied "well, dad, I think we should drop that topic".
Anderson asked "sure. So, how is your dad?".
I answered "well, my dad is dead".
Anderson said "oh sorry. That's really terrible".
Yeah, you better be sorry because you're the person that killed my dad.
Anderson asked "have you buried him yet?".
I answered "no, sir. He died just recently".
Anderson said "well, when you are ready to do the burial, let me know. Because if you're really gonna be my son in law, I wanna be supportive to you....Atleast, by attending your dad's burial".
I answered "no problem sir. I'll let you know when the time is right".
Then we continued eating and he kept on asking me different questions and I kept on answering all his questions still even after our food had finished. He made me tell him my life history. We talked till 10pm.
Well, he finally stopped asking me questions when Ruth told him that it was 10pm and that I should get going. That was when he stopped asking me questions and I was finally free from his questions.
I didn't hesitate to leave the house.
Well, Ruth drove me back to my house.
One of the things I know that I didn't tell him was my occupation....that I'm working in his own company, WinTake company as a janitor, as a common cleaner.
The truth of the matter is that, if he finds out that I'm a janitor at his company, I really wonder what would happen.