

Shooting myself in the foot

I woke up all right that day and was feeling great so far, I handled the pending orders from both my new and returning customers.

I got it sent out and was on to the next task on the to-do list.
Which was going through my customers’ reviews.

I was sipping tea in a mug while replying to my customers and thanking them for patronizing me in the carefree style I usually do.

When I felt my mug chip and drop into my tea, I always considered a chipped mug a bad omen and always avoided using it.

But this particular day I wasn't mindful enough, call it superstitious but it's a belief I hold dear.

I just dropped the mug, inattentive to the bad sign, and continued to reply.

I was called away by my mom in between replying and left my phone on the table to go to see what she needed me for, then I came back after about 10 minutes.

I saw I was still in one of my new customers’ DM. The next thing I saw was tons of messages from her, raining insults on me.

I didn't know how to react to this, I was shocked and then frowned at her insult but still took a deep breath and politely asked what brought the insults and she asked me if I thought it was okay to call her a “moron”

This was another shock to me but I wasn't fast to refute her and I scrolled down to the last message I sent and saw “You are a moron”

I screamed in shock and quickly apologized asking if it was okay if I sent her a voice note and she reluctantly agreed.

Then I explained to her that it was a typo, I used the word often with my friends and it came up instead of the word I typed.

I apologized so much and even told her I was away from my phone which was why I didn't reply to her on time.

I noticed that her first reply started soft but because she saw I wasn't replying to her and was reading her text, she got angrier and insulted me more.

I sincerely apologized to her and was glad she forgave me and even eventually laughed at my ordeal when I told her I knew a chipped mug was never a good sign for me.

We became even closer after this and she became a regular customer too.

© Keenah