

The Scary Night

The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? She was about to ask for help from the 911 emergency service but something drew her back on a second thought what if is just my imagination or someone is really there but both are still scary cause the night was so dark,then she became even more scared if really someone is there is either a good person or a very bad person to be in a place so dark and scary it was as if she was trap in her sit praying that if it was a person that the person should make an attent to get to her house or if be her imagination she expect to just close her eyes and it will be over soon just then her phone rang and with the shouck of the ringing tone she realized that it was just an imagination of what she had heard from the news the other night.
#scaryfigure #imaginationp