

School story
We are a group of four people. Manik. Sarthak. Sadhna. And me, Manisha. Since class 1 we were together. But now we are hitting our teenage and we are developing new feelings for each other. I don't know what to call it but I eagerly wants to know whether they all are feeling the same way. Our teachers, parents, siblings all says that it happen in this age but I want to know their thought. I want to know what Manik feels. What Manik feels about me.
It was another school day again, Sadhna and I entered the class late and teacher started taking lecture, everyone was settling up and finding seats. I was about to take a seat next to Manik but then he offered the seat to Sadhna. Her face told that she didn't want to take the seat but still she accepted the offer. Maybe to make me jealous. Maybe to make me insecure. Maybe to hurt me. Maybe she knows my feeling. Sarthak offered his adjacent seat to me. Since I have no other option I seated myself next to him.
Usually, Sadhna and I eat our lunch with other girls and same with the boys but today they both joined us since we were eating alone and no other girl surrounds us.
"Hey, what's happening" Sarthak asked.
"Nothing" Sadhna replied.
"ohh, Want to eat paneer, My mumma made delicious paneer?" Sarthak offered his lunch to me and then to Sadhna.
I declined his offer since I don't like paneer but this made him upset so to keep his heart I dipped my chapati bite in the gravy and eat it without touching it to my tongue. Sadhna eat half of his lunch.
"What's in your lunch" I asked Manik since he was eating silently.
"Ghiya ki sabji, nobody likes it, so I never offer it" Manik says putting a bite in his mouth.
"Who says that, I like it, Dumbo" I didn't wait for his offer, and took a bite.
Now everytime he brings Ghiya ki sabji, he give it to me, and I finish his lunch without complaints.
Me and Sarthak started getting closer and closer since we sit together, everyday, but I still consider Manik, my love, special and will wait for chances to meet him, talk to him. I also find Sadhna getting closer to Manik and I can see in Manik's eye, those feeling that I hold for him, but he holds it for Sadhna.
One day, Sadhna told her feelings about Sarthak, that how she feels jealous and insecure when I am close to Sarthak. How she feels for Sarthak but I stayed silent because I have something else on my mind. I don't want to reveal my intentions. I don't want to reveal my feelings. I just want to get what I love.
From next day, I started giving more attention to Sarthak and minimized talks with Manik and Sadhna. I started roaming around places around our school with him and we shared memories. Sarthak never mind the seperation I have created between us. He enjoyed quality time with me. Sadhna never use this time to get closer to Manik and I know her that's why I am playing this.
Three months later, Sarthak proposed to me to be his girlfriend. I knew his intentions that's why I gave him enough hints. We started dating. I then rejoined the team, now we four go together to places, later we take our excuse to spend quality time and leave them alone making them feel lonely. We show affection towards each other publicly which somewhere make everyone jealous for being single.
One day, Sadhna even confronted me for dating Sarthak.
"Why did you do this to me, Manisha, didn't I told you, I love him" Sadhna angrily said.
"But he is happy with me". I only said this and she started crying, tears roll down her eyes. I fake sympathise her and made her stop crying.
Now boys has this tendency to get jealous too, when their friends are in relationship and doing romantic things, an urge develop in them to get into any relationship, any girl, by any means and that's what happens.
Manik propsed Sadhna, and it was no surprise to me that she accepted his offer as always. They started dating. They also started performing lovi-dovi in public. And here my plans began.
I gave Sarthak full freedom to talk with any girl. Many a times I forced him to talk with Sadhna, Sadhna though in relationship never forgets her first love. The smile on Sadhna's face while she is talking to Sarthak makes every part of Manik jealous and insecure. I sometimes allow them to share seats and have Manik seated with me. In these sittings I made sure that I create doubts in the mind of Manik that Sadhna feels more for Sarthak and this relationship is fake and she might one day cheat on him.
Days after days, Manik started frustrating. He can't find the friendship between Sarthak and Sadhna neat and clean. He started judging every touch, every move, every laughter.
At this moment, I broke up with Sarthak giving reasons that it is not working. I am not feeling anything for him anymore. This made him really upset. He stopped taking classes. No talks with Sadhna or even Manik.
One day I ask Sadhna to pacify Sarthak and get him out of depression. She tried many a times. This makes her more closer to him and I get the chance to provoke Manik to an edge that he broke up with Sadhna, there is no interest left in him for her. But there always remains feeling for her.
I thought that when they both would broke I would get closer to Manik and tell him what he meant to me. But that's not what happen.
"No Manisha, I don't feel that way for you, we are just friends, I always felt for Sadhna and will feel till the end. Whenever I think of love I only think of Sadhna, even after we broke up. I know she never cheated on me but I know she wasn't giving our relationship hundred percent because she is already in love with Sarthak, you broking his heart gave him a chance to make space for Sadhna and that's what happen. It's all destiny. They were meant for each other but we are not." These were Manik's last word to me.
If I analyse this, that's what I exactly wanted just Sadhna to be on my place and me in Manik's heart.
© himanshimangla