

Enter Me Part 4
Jerry almost fell over again, but within three or four hearty jolts his juice was cutting loose. Up it came in a mad rush, hurried along by a headwind of Heather’s assertive blowjob and her hands wrenching his ass like it was a wet sponge.

He came with a spurt-ability like he’d never known. And just as his ropes of hot love burned their way up through and out of his shaft and into his cousin’s mouth, the water pouring down from the shower nozzle above ran ice cold.

Once Heather realized his cock had spat out the last of its cum she removed her mouth from around it and started to get up. Jerry helped her stand and kissed her, slipping his tongue between her lubricious lips and into her mouth. They laced tongues and he tasted the remnants of his semen. After a long kiss getting pounded by cold water and hugging each other tight they finally parted and both broke into wide smiles.

“Let’s make love,” Heather said.

No argument there. After shutting off the shower they gave each other a half-ass towel-off and almost ran to Heather’s room and fell onto her bed. The Little Prince was relocated to the night table. They wrapped their arms around each other and went back to kissing. It went on for a while. Then the wanderlust in Jerry’s lips took over.

Jerry kissed her chin, her ears, her neck an inch at a time. He covered her shoulders with lip pecks and slipped his tongue into her armpit. Working slowly downward his eager lips found her breasts and hovered over them like a stalled storm. He slid his tongue over both titties, taking his time as if he had to lick every freckle, and he watched her nipples expand and harden as he traced around them. Heather’s body squirmed with a leisurely delight.

Her body went from an easy squirm to an electric jolt when Jerry sucked her left nipple into his mouth. He felt her nails dig into his lower back as he tongued it and it felt like supple hard rubber in his mouth.

“Oh God, Jerry,” she moaned.

After a few minutes and he’d had enough of the nipples he headed lower down. He kissed her wiry, athletic stomach, twitchy with the touch of his lips and tongue, and licked out her salty navel. He nosed his way down to her pussy, which was wide and wet. And shaved, which was good: no curly pubes to tickle his nostrils when we would eat her. Which he definitely planned to do, just not quite yet.

He kissed all around it, teasing her, and licked her thighs, and her body writhed even more. He shifted his legs, trying to get lower still, and one of his feet pressured down on one of hers.

“Ouch!” Heather cried.

“Sorry,” Jerry said.

“It’s all right,” she said. “My feet got kind of torn up a little on my walk. The beach sand is much coarser and grittier up in the park.”

“Really?” he said, and wiggled himself around to take a closer look.

He looked at her feet and couldn’t believe what he saw. He turned them over gently in his hands. Both feet were ravaged with brush burns and were red and angry-looking where her skin had been rubbed raw on her toes and heels and insteps and the balls of her feet.

“Goddam, Heather! These look nasty. We have to take care of these sores. The…”

“LATER!” she barked.

Jerry smiled and got the message. He pulled her legs apart and scooted between.

“I have some medicine that will give you temporary relief,” he said. And he buried his face in her crotch.

Heather shrieked like a puppy with its tail stuck in a car door. She wrapped her legs around his back and her hands around his head. Jerry licked her saline labia and reached his tongue into her. It was wet and wild and tasty, and with the might of her legs and hands behind him and her wiggly groin in front of his face he was encouraged to push his mouth harder and deeper. He snaked his hands under her butt as she’d done to him in the shower, and he squeezed for all he was worth. With a cheek in each hand he scrunched up her fine ass over and over like he was doing finger curls at the gym.

“Ugh…” she sibilated. She grinded into his face, and treasured his tongue inside her for the first time, and sucked on it with the walls of her twat. Jerry felt the pinch on his tongue, pulling it into her, and soon his nose joined the party and delved into her too, filling his nostrils with her feminine funk. He felt her fingers pulling on the back of his head and he lapped her like a thirsty dog as long as he could until he had to come up for air. After a steamy breath he wrapped his mouth around her swollen clit.

Heather hissed when she felt his lips on her puffy tool. He licked it and kissed it and sucked it and even though she was squirming like a toad on a hot griddle he kept his mouth plastered in place until the squirms became spasms.

“Oh my God, Jerry, what have we been waiting for?” Heather said loudly. She pulled his head up to hers, the head of his turgid cock dragging its way up along her inner thigh, and rammed her tongue into his mouth. His weight atop her smothered her spasms but as they kissed Jerry felt her eruption below, her orgasm flowing out of her hot and wet.

Jerry felt one of Heather’s hands vacate the back of his head and a second later it wrapped around his wet, firm cock and fed it into her. His cock slid all the way in with no resistance and in an instant he was balls-deep inside her warm, wet wuss.

Their lips were joined like glue and their tongues did a peppy Mambo. Jerry pounded her, slammed his body into her again and again. Heather sighed with each stroke and met his match. He wanted to give her a fuck she’d never forget. ‘You’re my cousin, Goddamn it’, he thought. But ‘you’re my woman now’.

They fucked with fervor, breathing hard, two sweaty bodies in sexy sync reaching for the upper limits of gratification. Heather hugged him tight, with arms and legs and cunt, pumping, milking and sucking. Jerry swung his meat into her even harder and quickened their pace and kept it up and he knew he wouldn’t quit until they both came for the second time.

The bedroom was a cacophony of noise both human and nonhuman, with grunts and groans and coos and slurps and sucks and smacking skin from the fuckers, and bed springs and posts and headboard that were being pushed to their limits. It had to be the first time that the bed had been put through a workout like this.

After a few more minutes of his determined skewering of Heather’s pussy Jerry knew he was on the verge.

“I’m gonna come!” his voice sputtered. After a pause: “Is it okay?”

“Of course,” she said.

With two more strokes Jerry was at the point of no return and his cum was rising. With a loud low grunt he ejaculated, and with each subsequent burst of his semen into her his grunts became softer and shorter. When he had given her all of it he again picked up the pace of his pounding. She followed his lead.

“I’m gonna keep fucking you till you come again,” he said.

“Great fucking idea,” Heather said with a grin on her face. “You can kiss me too.”

Jerry did. And with their loins joined and their tongues fucking inside their locked lips they were rocking like a dinghy on a rough sea. It was Heather’s turn.

Jerry felt the vibration of Heather’s moan in his mouth and felt her body tremble under him. She hugged him tight and he squeezed her ass. She came in a gush and he felt her warm wash surround his half-hard cock and ooze out of her. With her tongue still in his mouth he collapsed on the bed beside her.

He must have nodded off, Jerry wasn’t sure if he’d slept or was just at that halfway house of consciousness between the real world and the dream world. He just knew that when he opened his eyes Heather’s face was close to his and she was smiling at him.

“Hello,” she said. She ran a finger through his hair. “How do you feel?”

“Amazing. It was wonderful. I knew it would be.”

“So did I,” she said. She kissed him and it lingered.

“How do you feel?” he asked her.

“Amazing is a good word,” she said with a smile. “And relieved.”


“Yes, relieved that we’ve finally gotten to this point. I’m over My hangups, I guess. But it’s kind of scary, though. I’m somewhere between ecstasy and fear. Closer to ecstasy, though.”

Jerry put his arm around her, kissed her and pulled her close.

“I’m happy we’ve gotten to this point too,” he said. “And I won’t blow the opportunity, I promise. But don’t be afraid, we’re in this together. There’s really nothing to fear other than what others may say or think, and we have no control over that. If people love us or really care about us they will support us. If they don’t, who needs them? So really there’s nothing to fear.”

Heather nodded. “You know something?” she said. “I reached a place of clarity today when I was walking. And even though it lasted all day it almost seemed like it was over in a flash; it was a nonstop stream-of-consciousness, like a fire I couldn’t put out. I thought about you…about us…all day. I thought about our kissing last night. God, it felt so right, but why was I so scared? I thought about growing up together, things we did, your face, your hair, your arms and legs, your butt. I pictured you naked in my mind, I wondered what your cock looked like. So close yet so far…all because of some silly taboos. So I finally admit: I love you, Jerry. Why should I be afraid of being with someone I love?”

“I’m so glad to hear you say that,” Jerry said, grabbing her hand. “I love you too, sometimes so much it hurts.”

They kissed again and their tongues danced a long slow number. They both fully realized at that moment that they were now lovers, were now a couple that would go through life together; And that the door that had kept them at more than arms-length for so long was not now merely unlocked and open, but had been blown off its hinges.

“Your feet are messed-up, girl,” Jerry said as he examined the abrasions on the bottoms and sides of Heather’s feet. “Time for Dr. Jerry to give you some medical attention. Some TLC. I’ll be right back.” He got off the bed and walked out of the room. Heather watched his naked butt till it disappeared out the door.

She heard him bounding down the steps and a minute later heard him bounding back up. She smiled at the thought of his limp penis bouncing up and down as he ran around the house naked. Then she heard water running in the bathroom.
© Preshy🌹