

Life so far
As everyone know, this world is filled with positivity and love and kindess, but we also know that in the other side, the world is harsh and cruel. some people are misunderstood, no one gets them, and they feel alone in this world, I have a friend who is actually suffering from depression right now...she didn't tell me her problems I asked why...she said its because she didn't want me to worry about her, in this case Ive been trying to help often..if you have depression or your feeling lonely dont make it worse by not telling it, see, no one can help you unless you say it, I guess your saying that "I already told to someone and they told me to wait and so did the others" I can confidently say that I understand you so much..we are in the situation..why? because yes I have a problem in my life that started since I was small, I told to different people about it and they kept on telling me to wait and wait, so please..you are not alone in this world, someone will always understand you and heak your wounded heart. for the people who have relationship problems and recovering after the break up...I cannot say this time that I understand you..yes I admit it..I dont understand you but here's a piece of advice, whatever happened to you there is nothing you can do but to accept, recover and move on, but if this does not help you, remember you can always find a person who will understand you. if you are someone who is always ignored, you can't speak up because people are always bossing you around, I get you, ive been there in fact I was even abused through it, they make me do all the work and and get mad at me when I couldn't finish a task, I got abused for my kindness but I ended it through speaking up, you are a person, you have rights to speak up for yourself and no one can control you because you are your own person, remember that. If you are being bullied at school or being bullied by some people, I get you..but you have to tell people that care about you too, you only feel alone because you dont tell anyone... there's still so much that I want to say but I will just leave this here hoping that thus will help you, thanks for your time reading this! remember you are not alone!!

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