

I used to see so often
An open letter to the friends I used to see so often but we seldom see each other now:

How are you? I know we are now at this phase of life where we are both busy forging our paths towards the life we have chosen for ourselves, and while we want to meet up more often, sometimes our schedules do not meet. Despite the distance or time apart, I trust that our friendship is in both our hearts. I value the moments when you reach out to check on me, and I completely understand when you’re caught up with your own life and can’t reach out as often. We both have our own lives, responsibilities, dreams, and priorities, and we’ve both accepted that it’s part of growing up and growing older. We are now aware that just because we are busy doesn’t mean we are already distant. The foundation of our friendship is so solid that even in the busiest of times, we know we have each other, and no amount of distance or time can change the bond we have built.

Friendship is not measurable by how far we are apart or how long we don’t talk to each other because we both know we are rooting for each other. I find so much joy in seeing you succeed in life, knowing that you are now achieving the things you were once just dreaming of. You know I am ready to listen when you need someone to lend you an ear. We may not be seeing each other for a long time anymore, but please know that I love you, I care for you, and I want to see you win. I look forward to the day when we can catch up, but until then, I will be rooting for you and offer you my shoulder to cry on if you need it. Take care of yourself, always!
© Hamas Saqi