

Shadow Kissed

Chapter : One

The car sped through the dark night, its headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic. Heavy rain started to pour, the damp atmosphere released earthy aroma and musky smell of dirt.
She was struggling to go through this path by her car. She was cursing that man who had bought her precious bakery. If he didn’t buy, she wouldn’t be out right now. That bakery was her dream. But that man's assistant had come, and offer her to buy her bakery.

“How dare he?! He thinks he could do anything that he has money. Oh, this arrogant, cocky bastard!” she screamed, frustrated to everything.

Flash back....

She was baking a batch of chocolate and strwaberry flavour muffins for her client. The sweet smell of desserts was covering the whole kitchen. She got those muffins out from oven, started to icing it. Her co-worker and also best friend, Lisa Braedon came running in the kitchen.

“Emily! Somebody is asking for you. Come!” Lisa said

“Well, tell them to wait. I am coming after finishing this batch.”

“No, Emily. You have to come, this is important! It can’t wait.” After saying that Lisa started to drag her friend Emily Anderson. Emily grumbled that it wasn’t necessary, she could go her self. They came out from her bakery kitchen, went to the table where two people were sitting.

Her bakery wasn’t that big or small, the size was perfect for her. She had decorated her bakery with wooden chairs, round tables. The floor was wooden. The wall was painted with soft cream and peace colours. The small lights were everywhere, when she turned on the switch, it would lighten up the whole room, looked like stars in the sky. She was happy with it.

They came to that table. A woman and man were sitting there. Emily thought that they might be a big client. She approached to them with a small smile on her lips. But they didn’t return it. She frowned, but masked her face quickly.

“Hello. How can I help you?” Emily asked

“Hello, Ms. Anderson. I am Tom Robinson and she is my partner, Vanessa Friedman. Let's get to the point. We want to buy your bakery.” he said

Emily gasped, felt her world had crumbled around her. She couldn’t breath. She couldn’t believe this.

“No. I won’t. Get out from here. I am saying this to you politely.”She gritted this words through her teeths.

“Well,I am afraid we can't do that. Your landlord have sold this place. So, technically this shop become ours, Hardin's industries. But we have offered everyone money. So, you can keep the money. It's your choice. But you have to leave this shop.” he said calmly.

She didn’t say anything, just stared at them. How could they? She had planned everything. It had crumbled now. The man didn’t say anything. He and his partner got up, left the shop.
She broke down after that, crying out loud. She didn’t know what to do. Lisa was trying to comfort her. Suddenly a thought came to her,may be this could work. She told her friend about the plan that she would meet the boss, request him so that she could have her shop, she would pay for it. Lisa didn’t think that it was a good idea, it was quite late. But Emily didn’t stop,she got out and took her car.

When she had reached there,she couldn’t pass through the receptionist. But somehow she managed. She went to the tenth floor, workers were busy with thier works. No body had paid any attention to her. When she reached, she met with a huge wooden door,it looked expensive. She tried to enter, the door opened automatically. When she entered, she was awestruck and amazed. She was admiring everything. Suddenly someone cleared his throat, it had send a shiver run through her body. His voice was deep and gravelly. She turned around, tried hard not to gasp when she saw him. Everything around her had seemed to stop. She thought that he was the most handsome man,she had seen in her life. He had sapphire eyes, black hair, a very defind jaw. He was around six feet tall, he was towering over her body. He looked like supermodel from GQ magazine. But something in his eyes, caught her attention. Those eyes could see her soul,she felt that. That man arched one eyebrow at her, asking silently what she need. She blushed when she remembered she was staring at him shamelessly. He smirked at her.

She rolled her eyes at him and said,“I am here looking for the boss. I guess you are the boss.” She was mentally cursing why she didn’t got his name.

“Yes,I am. I am the boss. I am Damien Hardin. I don’t have time to entertain people. Somehow you have passed my receptionist, I am going to listen your crap. I don’t have so much time. And you are....?”he asked her while sitting on the fancy chaire. But something in his voice told her that he was an arrogant man.

“Emily...Emily Anderson. I am here to talk about the land where my shop is.”

“Which land? Oh, that land. I'm afraid, I can't do anything,darling. You can leave if that's what you want to say.”He finished his conversation. He was staring at her intently.
Oh this man! what did he think he is?! she thought to her self. She opend her mouth to tell something,but he cut off her saying that she could work as a chef in his house. She saw red in front of her,she found a pen in front of her and threw at him.

“Oh, keep your filthy offer to yourself. Goodbye.” After saying that she stomped out of his office, got on her car.

Damien was shocked by her behaviour. Something about her fascinated him. Her brown angry eyes were the most beautiful thing,he had seen. Brown wavey hair, some freckles on her skin, she was beautiful. But most intoxicating was her blood. As a vampire, he had never craved for anything in his long life span like he was craving her blood. He wanted her,no matter what.

Emily got in her car and started crying. Her dream just crushed, there was nothing she could do. She started her car.

Flash back end...

She was having trouble to balance her car. She lost the balance of her car,it started to spin then crashed into tree.
Last thing she knew two strong arms wrapped around her,she was lifting in to air before losing consciousness.


Hey,guys! if you like this story, I will continue to write it! :) Give me your feedbacks on it! <3