

Hello, hope you’re doing good. This is Aishwarya, I am currently working on a live project with one of the renowned e-media firms- Tenhard India Pvt Ltd. Tenhard India is the perfect one-stop destination for you to read and enjoy newspapers, books of all genres, magazines – both national & international.

Why should you subscribe to Tenhard India?
•They have a good collection of books and magazines.
•Paying a sum of 999 INR for 3 months, might seem like a huge amount but what if I say, 4 different users can make use of the platform with just one single user ID, plus you get access to the most interesting magazines, novels. Isn’t that WOW!!
•We have an option to read online so that you need not worry about your device storage being consumed totally. Incase you prefer offline reading, sure that is available as well.
•A unique feature is that we also stand as a platform for budding writers and bloggers, you can write and post your articles/ stories/ poems; our team will check your valuable piece of art and would post it on the website.

[Note: Anything controversial will not be entertained.]
What are you waiting for? Grab this opportunity now and have a great time reading and sharing the platform with your friends, family, and colleagues.
Kindly comment down below so I can contact you personally and share the link .

Thank you so much.☺🌷

Click on the link that I have added , a web page will open where you have to check price details. Subscribe now- buy now and sign up. After sign up again click on buy now. And finally proceed to the payment gateway and make the payment.

#liveprojects #offer

© #aish