

Pray, yes, always✍.
Pray always, knowing that the source and suatainer of your life is not something inherently in you but it's outside of you and that's 👉God.

Prayer must be seen as the breath of life for the christian, for its the necessary air that all must live by, all other ways to stay healthy spiritually is toxic to our spiritual health.

And as we can't breathe less as humans, so also we must not pray less as christians. (except for those that are not).

This is not a beautiful phrase or word, its a sound spiritual truth you must know and live by...

📍Prayer: May Many O lord find these times refreshing and reassuring from your presence even as your word decleares Acts 3:19 Amen

📍Prayer: Minister Light and life to us lord, heal everything broken in our lives, knit us together in oneness and in fellowship and through your love breathe Afresh upon us to renew our spirit Amen.

📍 May the entrance of these words through your unction the earnest of the Spirit overwhelm us anew and fill us again with the joy of our salvation Amen✍
© Christ♻InUs