

Two nights of love...(part X)
‘October 28th, Saturday afternoon 1PM’
Everyone over there were shocked but Akhil did not resist them. He extended his hands making them more comfortable. Nobody stepped forward to handcuff him. Everyone looked down.
“Raj! Go get him!”, she ordered.
“as you sow, so you reap!”, he commented.
Priyanka was very much tensed up now. She walked straight and she was near him. She took out the lock and held his hands in it. While she was locking it, his hard breath touched her. It was very hard for her to get out of that sexy and soothing feel.
She did not wanna’ do it but she had to. She pulled him hard and of course, Akhil co-operated. All of them were into the jeep. There were a lot of conversations but Akhil never sounded up. He still held his head down. He felt it so uncomfortable to sit around people speaking shit about him.
“just shut up!”, Priyanka yelled.
Soon they reached the station. He was made to sit on the bench which was put inside. He gave full support for all their acts. Everyone over there looked at him so badly.
“mam, let’s lock him up. He is dangerous”, Raj commented.
“what?”, Priyanka starred at him.
“go, get something for him to eat!”, she ordered.
Raj had nothing to say but he had to leave. The accused inside the lockup started mocking shit about him. He made himself cool and he was still silent. Raj returned after a while with a parcel.
Priyanka took it and asked everyone to wait outside and so they did. She went near him and sat nearby. She wanted to say something.
“sir…have some food!”, she offered.
“after this second, if someone murmurs inside there, you’ll be the first lockup death in this station!”, she yelled. At once there was pin drop silence.
“have it, sir!”, she offered again with tears.
There was no reply again. This time she wanted him to speak. She tried making something out of him.
“Akhil, please tell me that you did not do that. Tell me that am again stupid with my instincts. Thrash me for treating you rudely. Tell me… you love me!”, she cried.
“of course, I do! And finally you have been very clear in your instincts. I don’t wanna’ ruin it”, he replied.
“but why? Why? I thought that it would be Harish. I did not even think that you would have done that! Why is that ring in your rack? It was Sarah’s ring. Why was it there? Why should you do that?”, she sobbed hard.
“atleast speak up now! You…”, she cried.
“calm down! Let me hear up, how your instincts turned up towards me. If don’t feel like telling, you need not!”, he said.
“I’ll say, sir!...
You have been weak all the time, sir! Your efforts are not enough to hide off all your crimes. Everything was so clear and I made it. The day she was killed, you had been on leave and your reason for leave says that you are not well but the same day, you had to handle this case. You were perfectly alright!
From day 1, your stress built up step by step ad you had to take it up. You asked me to bringbup all the thieves around the city and if they had a motive, they should have stole something before they killed her. I went to her home and enquired. The brave man Harish! He informed me that everything is ok but that ring with hearts which she use to wear in his fingers was missing! I just took it as a lead and you know something, I saw a similar ring in your rack few hours before and then I realized that it was you who handed over things to him. Why should you take that?
Are you starving to steal things…the best policemen throughout his service. I have to correlate things you have done earlier and I did.
It’s not my instincts saying that you should have killed her. It’s my heart pushing me more and more. You killed her and you have deal things so intelligently. The twist in the story is you had to handle this case…bunch of keys in thief’s hand!
You started all of it from the first day and you led it. Your witness, that old man! He had given a hint Raj making him believe that Harish would have done that buit he so weak, sir! Your last call in the hospital, it was him. Your call history brought you outside. He has been tracked and they are gonna’ get him. If you had not killed her, why should you arrange a fake evidence. Did you solve all your cases like that?
The day…I need some water!”, she stopped.
Akhil took the glass of water over there and gave it to her but this time, he was with a smile. She drank it and continued.
“the day we enquired Harish, he said that every weekend they would go to a park and a stranger use to follow her. That moment you breaked in as if he is gonna’ accuse you. The same you told me that never believe anyone and do what your soul says, then why do you wanna’ intervene. Did your dialogues mismatch?
The fire incident… the shopkeeper had already informed you that something has been recorded in his camera. You never opened it up to anyone and the next day…BOOM! You blasted it. Foreinsic reports said that it was so rare and all our attentions turned up towards terrorists but ACP sir…years earlier, you have arrested three people with dangerous bombs and it was not so familiar to people, but I do. I’ve already said you that I had been following you too long!
So… you planned it well and killed her. You rolled her up and dumped her in the trash can. You tried escaping with all your interesting thoughts to wipe off all the evidences but you had to handle the case.
You came in and everything collapsed. You made all the attempts to divert us and to put the sin on Harish and of course, you did. Even I doubted him for a while but he loves her! You tried to frame it very well but am always out of frame, sir! Everytime after my investigations, I use to talk to my mom about the case but this time I had to cry making her cry too! But sir please tell me am stupid again. All my instincts are worthless, totally! Please…”, she sobbed.
“100 marks…all these days I’ve thought that am the only policeman digging deep into cases but see now, my…assistant does the same!”, he smiled again.
“assistant! Is that it. Am I just your assistant? Did you use me? Did you sleep with me for that?”, she yelled with hatred.
“you said that you love me. Is that all for this shit? To hide yourself behind my jacket? You bastard!”, she yelled.
“just shut up and stay calm, sir! Don’t make me rude. Even now, I have some respect on you. Just sit there…”, she left.
She filed a FIR on him and she informed a constable over there that he should be taken to court the next day. She went outside with tears.
“am blessed with a sight at women’s back. So sexy…”, he put his head back!
It was 11PM by then. Akhil was lying on that bench he ws struggling to sleep. He was irritated by mosquitoes and he was sweating totally. All he could do was to wait for the dawn. He lyed closing his eyes tight thinking of Priyanka!
Over here Priyanka was crying so hard. She smashed everything she could. Soon her home looked like a war field. She broke everything nearby and when she threw the glass over there, it cut her hand. She cried even harder not out of pain in her hand but out of the scar in her heart. She sat at the center of the hall, the ball he had bought for Aaryana came rolling towards her. She took it and she had all his memories. Of course, she had no relationship for a year time but the love she had for him pusher her more and more. She wanted to hug him tight and remain as such. She could not take that he had betrayed her and used her. She wanted to see him.She was waiting for the next day.
People say that first love is the best and everything after that are just in a row! All of that are just bullshit. Is love a money deposit to give preference to the first one! It’s love man. It’s a feel. If your first leaves you, it’s not that you have to just spend rest of your life thinking of them. It was just your bad choice of person to love. Ruining self life for someone who’ll never even think of us is unworthy. It’s not that we should never respect love, it’s the system that we have cope up wih it.
Everyone’s life will have a person who would understand them completely and support them even when they fail. Thay are the real blessings and we can dare to anything for them. To admre someone or to miss someone, a long time relationship is not necessary. Just a smile with love will do! And that is how love works…the same happened here and she terribly missed him.
“Akhil…”, she sobbed so hard…

‘October 30th, Monday morning 8.30AM’
It was the day, they had to take Akhil to the court. Priyanka was ready and she started from the house. She reached the station and all the formalities were done. They took him out of the station and he was about to get into the jeep. Suddenly a stone hit his forehead from an end.
“get there bastard. You are gonna’ spend rest of your life in prison!”, Sidh yelled.
Of course, he threw the stone. He knew that it was culture less but on thnking that he was the only reason for all this mess. He was instigated looking at his friend’s situation and that motherless child! Akhil smiled while his blood reached his lips. He appeared as a monster!
“clear that! What the heck?”. Priyanka yelled.
All the constables over there pushed him back and tried stopping him. Sidh did not stop it. He continued.
“you, moron! Do you know what a family is? Have you ever felt it? Han…you can not even take care of your mother with love! What are you gonna’ achieve”, he yelled.
“can somebody make him down?”, Priyanka yelled again.
On of the constables over there hit him on his mouth. Sidh started bleeding and he shouted out again with tears.
“it was my…our family. We made our nest with lots of love and affection and you know what you’ve done? You threw stones on it! Are you happy now? And now, Harish has stuck in his bed. Aaryana, she is helpless and hve you ever thought what a true friend can do?
Just pray for yourself. Try to stay inside there. If you come out, I’ll kill you”, he yelled out of hatred wiping his tears.
Soon he was cleared and Akhil was taken into the jeep. They were on their way to court. There was deep silence.
“filmy!”, Akhil started.
“what?”, Priyanka asked.
“those dialogues…they were filmy. I have never imagined this situation in my life. Of course, none of the engineering students will think of it. Accused han?”, he laughed.
“you are such a looser!”, she commented.
They reached the court. He got down from the jeep and he had no idea what was happening. There was a lot of crowd over there. It was the media people. The constables dragged him inside and before that they were blocked by the press people.
“what do you wanna’ say?...do you think that they are making it against you?...is this your first murder?...what’s that wound on your forehead?...”, they shooted out questions.
“no comments…”, Raj commented.
Akhil lost his temper and now he wanted to do something. All his attitude resumed after days and now he was back to form.
“they asked me, Raj!”, he pushed him back and came in front.
“hello people! Am Akhil kumar…ACP! They have made it at last and of course, I did it! Any other questions…”, he asked.
“you are gonna’ be messed up. They’ll put you in. what are you gonna’ do?”, one of the reporter asked.
“just a new experience! I deserve it and I have to. All of us will commit mistakes in our life and we’ll regret it later. I have done the same and now am gonna’ regret it. Am not sad dude, actually am free now. The best way to get rid of guilt is…Confession!”, he smiled.
“quite interesting sir!”
“this is not the end. A lot more to come. Just wait for it!”, he said.
“is he a freedom fighter or what? Shut off all your cameras. Creeps!”, one of them commented.
Akhil heard it and smiled looking at their work. He shouted up…
“mates! Instead of covering all these stuffs and the rumours around cine industry, try to make something that could change our society. One day, you people will be the only side to oppose and comment on politics”, he left.
“case number 127…Sarah murder case!”, the court sounded.
He went inside and stood there. He knew what he had to do and he was ready. He was waiting for his questions. The entire detail of the case was delivered and the judge heard all of it.
“so…Mr.Akhil! do you wanna’ say something? Do you agree with it?”, the judge asked adjusting his glasses.
“yes, sir! I did this as a whole by myself and no one else. Please leave that old man. He was just a servant for me. I planned it and I did it!”, he replied.
“why did you do that?”
This time Akhil looked at Priyanka over there with tears and he continued…
“killing people is fun, sir! Cursing people behind their back for their crimes is waste of time sir. I can’t wait till this syatem allows me to punish them. By then, he would be dying himself. Death hurts only when you live a peaceful and healthy life and so I did. Am the prosecutor and am the dictator.Just a minute is enough, all our problems will be free!”, he wiped his tears.
“sir! I have something else to say. Two years back, that serial killer case which was encountered at that guest house at Chrompet, I had connection to that. Actually I did that. I had been monitoring them for a long time and that day I lost my control. I killed them and hung them. You can even verify this with Constable Raj! He is collecting evidences regarding this and I hate to be caught by a constable. I deserve all these imprisonements and am proud of it”, he sniffed.
“am not of that kind, sir…to look all the nasty things around me and to live amongst it. Anything gets clean only when it is dusted. Until we raise our voices, they’ll be our hidden voice. I can’t live like that!”, he smiled.
“you have been reported as the most calm and composed officer with lots of clarity. Why shoud you do this? If it is so…what did Sarah do?”, the judge asked.
“she was pure. She haven’t done anything. She just burned in the spark that came out of my flame. I didn’t mean to but I did. I must be punished…”, he ended.
There was a deep silence everywhere. Priyanka could not take any of it. She could not understand why he was doing all of it. She did not expect that. Raj made all his investigations out of records and he did not open up. Akhil had done everything whatever he wanted to. He was calm now and he was waiting for the judgement.
The judge heard all of it and now he was confused. He had to give a wise judgement and he did. He started…


© arvind