

Do this with me. Pretend you are with me. Not emotionally, but physically. Lay down on your bed and close your eyes. Pretend that the bed is actually grass. Let's pretend that your AC blowing nearly frigid temps is the air outside. Breath in slowly and exhale slowly. Pretend you can smell the pine needles of the trees. Pretend my hand is holding yours. Hear my silly laugh from where you are. I'm here.


Imagine that I'm a princess or prince. I'm clumsy and clueless about everything. Imagine you love me as a little sibling and you need to protect me from being me, which is being stupid. If I didn't have you I'd already lost my way. Imagine now, that I'm hugging you and thanking you for taking care of my silly self.


Look through the peep hole on your door, but what do you see. If you're short, you won't see anything. But if you're tall, what would you see. Would you see me? Would you see your sister or brother? Would you see your mom? Your dad? However, this is only if you're tall enough.