

They Both End Up...
If you believe in reincarnation, who would you choose as your next life form if you had the chance?

"I would choose to be the person you'd come home to."

If we met before you fell in love with him, would we ever have a chance to end up together? If I told you from the beginning how he played you behind your back, would you have believed every word I said?


If I didn't antagonized you first and turned myself into your enemy, maybe you would eventually believe me. I guess, being the annoying sister of the man you love is a drawback. What's done is done though. All there is left to go is forward. So, I did.

"You're so annoying!"

You said that the first time I made myself clear that I am interested in you—well, in a not so obvious way. I am sorry if pouring cold water on you didn't woke you up from your infatuation with him. But, let me tell you—you look so beautiful when you were angry. Your entire face turns pink and your eyes shone so bright, they were nearly blinding.

Maybe that was the reason why I love making you angry.

'The more you hate, the more you love.'—they said. Maybe that was my goal from the beginning. Plus, you were always so cold towards me unless my brother is around to spectate a possible banter. Having been the only person to get under your nerves is a big achievement.

Everyday my brother comes home with you in tow, you always looked so tired. But brother can't seem to see that. He's never been the gentleman you thought...