

Beginning of my End: A New Dawn
Looking all over the corridor, anxiously waiting for Eric to come home, it was a long exhausting day and Eric’s been gone to work since early morning while I took upon the duties of the house-chores as it was a Saturday, the house cleaning day washing and cleaning every nook and corner of the house, excitedly waiting for the kids to come back from their holiday classes. I heard a ring from the door alarm and checked the door knob to see who it was lo and behold it was my friends, I was so disappointed at first as i thought Eric was back, shocked and surprised at the same time with mixed feelings in my head I welcomed them in warmly, it has been eight years we graduated from the university and seven years we last saw each other ,I have missed you so much Vanema, rose said, hold on guys how did you guys find me, oh dear Vanema did you think we wouldn’t meet again, last Friday I came to Canada for some business and I saw your sister Laura we went to a nearby restaurant and chit-chatted for about an hour then I sked her about you and were you were living, fortunately she gave me your address and I got in contact with our friends through the whatsapp group we created before we graduated the university, because you left the group and changed your contacts, we have all been looking for you all these years and I am so happy we have finally found you. So what are you doing now Vanema, Felix asked, I am an house-wife I guess “I replied back to Rose’’. “you an housewife Vanema” Felix questioned “yeah I am”, I replied back, “what an unbelievable world we are in”, Flora said, yeah it is unbelievable who would have thought a lady like you with great aspirations would keep your fire down for a man, “yeah me too” Felix said , I replied back “yes love is great, to love someone is wonderful and I do not regret having Eric, he has been a great man so far, since the time we got married to the time we become parents up till now, it has been a great journey so far. Let us toast to the life we are living now “Rose said”, then I got some glasses from the living room bar with a wine and we raised up our glasses in the air with smiles on our faces, then chatted for a few hours about our university days ,before I knew it m friends started chatting about their individual lives, Rose had become a well -established lawyer of a well- known reputation and Felix the CEO of an Empire, owns so many hotels and clubs and agencies and estates and Flora had become a real estate housing agent, getting to know about how they have been I was so happy to find them all fulfilling their dreams already but as I had begun to ponder on it, I realized I had left all my dreams un-fufiled, suddenly a hand hit my laps and I suddenly got out of my thoughts the clock hit pm and all my friends had stared to depart one by one to their various homes, finally the last of my friends Rose left by 5:45pm, 15 minutes to when Eric would arrive from work, he would be frustrated and threw tantrums around but being with Eric for so many years I had probably gotten used to it as whenever he arrived home, I would let him be for twenty to thirty minutes before I asked him about his activities in his office and serve him dinner, Eric had an habit of making people follow his orders and do the things he way he prefers and I had suddenly gotten tired of his bad habits, but whenever I would want to talk about it, he would just yell and shut the door making me look like a fool. This being going on for a year he joined his new workplace and I non-ending. The next few days went as usual but I noticed something strange, he would always come back home drunk and felt irritated by my touch, fortunately my kids had gone to my sister’s house for the holiday break, so the situation was under control. I was asleep on the couch in the living room waiting for Eric to come home, it was about 15minutes to 11pm and I heard a loud bang on the door I looked at the door opener to see it was Eric and I opened the door, immediately Eric pushed me to the couch touching and kissing my body all over I felt so shocked and angry and pushed him away and stood up from the couch but as I stood up from the couch , Eric held my hand firmly and pushed me once again on the sofa and began to harass me sexually, as the situation began to spiral out of control, Eric had become a demon I pushed him once again and he hit his head on the sofa edge and I began to run for the stairs, but before I could reach the third step, Eric dragged my leg down the stairs and I fell down hitting my head, feeling weak all around me, Eric carried me to the couch feeling dizzy and weak , I watched as Eric took off his cloth, rubbing his lips, separating my legs and an evil smile on his face, satisfied himself with my body, continuing till he was satisfied ignoring my plea and pain, weak and drained, Eric got off my body kissing my legs, as he got of my body I felt blood coming out of my parts, feeling irritated and weak I got up slowly walking to the bathroom to wash myself, as I washed myself in the shower the images of last night started to flash in my head and I ended spending the whole morning crying sitting under the shower, an alarm which ran on my phone brought me back from the shock, immediately remembering the kids were coming today to pack their things for stay at their aunt house for the holiday, at the clock of 4pm, they were home after clearing the mess of the previous night, with a smile I managed to lit my face I waved my kids and sister a cheerful goodbye, the evening came and the sun had set, I heard a knock on the door twice and went to check who it was and luckily it was Felix, I was surprised to see him, I opened the door and welcomed him with a glass of water then a drink, are you alone at the moment, Felix asked, “ yeah I am”, I replied, it has been a long time since we sat down one on one together alone with no interruptions, yes it is true, Felix replied. You do not know that you have changed so much right, when we were back in university you had an unquenchable fire and desire for your career and to fufill your dreams, we were course mates in fact, we share all our dreams together, how could you forget it all for a man that was not even up to your standard then, what did you do to yourself Vanema? ‘Felix questioned’, oh Felix I am out of words to defend myself, you do know that I felt I had a problem then, no man was willing to appreciate me for who I was , age and time was not on my side and my parents were barely struggling to make ends meet so when Eric approached my family with his proposal I thought I already met my prince charming, I can’t tell you how much regret I am feeling leaving my dreams, career and my friends behind but why, why Vanema? ‘Felix exclaimed’ was it worth it, can you confidently tell me you are happy, you know we made a promise to each other to always be there for each other, hope you haven’t forgotten ? I looked at Felix, how can I forget our promise to each other ‘I will always support you in your weary and fraustrating times’. So why didn’t you tell me what was happening at that time, didn’t you believe in our promise, no I did and always will but I can’t make up any reason for not informing you, I am sorry for treating you like a stranger when in-fact you were my best friend and will always be. Anyways Vanema I want to inform you that I have moved to Canada for a project I want to do and I am staying at the newly renovated estate I am building two business clubs in Canada so that my clubs have branches in every country in order to expand into an empire and as you know we both studied hotel management but you furthered more by taking a two years course of building designs and we both know that the building design of the university innovated library was inspired by you, so I thought of asking you to work on this project with me and the French theme based hotel I want to build in France as I have never come across a person with such crazy and innovative ideas and passion as you, so what do you say about us working on these project together as business partners. That’s such a nice plan, a lovely way to expand into an empire, about the partnership why don’t you give me a week to decide and let you know my final decision, as you know I am longer a free woman I am married with kids, I will definitely get back to you on this matter Felix, thanks for the opportunity, sure thing Vanema, really hoping we can make this project a success together and catch upon lost times together. Let drop that matter Felix and talk about you, what have you been up to apart from being so career focused? What do you mean Vanema, we’re no longer kids, just ask your questions straight to the point and I will try to answer them as best as I can, Felix don’t tell me you didn’t get a single hint on what I was asking, even kids these days get the language Felix, I am definitely not a kid but a grown up so please Vanema tell me what you want to say directly. Ok Felix I was asking you about your personal life, any girlfriend, lover or fiancée, I mean you are all loaded round with a perfect figure, handsome face and body with a rich status, someone’s caught you already? Oh please Vanema stop with your ridiculous tease and talks and let me answer your question, for now not yet I haven’t found anyone yet or should I say I haven’t yet found my heart, oh Felix when will you stop with your top standards have you not yet found a lady of your choice or are you just not yet ready for love, you know that you are growing old already you have clocked 35 already when will you start a family? Vanema you know it’s not the case I have fallen for only her and I can’t give my heart to anyone else, please don’t tell me it’s that same girl from university, you never told me her name or show me a picture of her to see how she looks, I think you should move on from her shadows and besides do you still keep in contact with her, no Vanema but I recently just found her about the same time we found you and she still can’t see love in my eyes for her. Oh my goodness how could she be so oblivious towards your feelings, no worries Felix as long as your love for her is true she will realize you mean more for her and she’ll never let you go, I hope so too Vanema. I’ll be leaving now extend my greetings to the kids, Laura and Eric, ‘Felix said’. Ok I will Felix and take care of yourself, you too Vanema.
Knock, knock, knock, someone was definitely at the door, it checked the door knob to see it was Eric and I opened the door, he came in and went up to his room without saying a word to each other as if nothing had happened , he didn’t even look apologetic but rather angry, what was going on? I went up to his room, Eric please come have your dinner it’s ready. With five minutes gone since I went to call him for dinner Eric came downstairs and ate his dinner, as I was about to take the plates to the kitchen, he held my hand firmly to the table, locked eyes with me, ‘be very careful with me, don’t annoy me unless what had happened yesterday would be the taste of the iceberg of what I will do to you’, Eric threatened, as he stood up to leave the dining he held my waist tightly with his long nails piercing into my skin making me to bleed as blood started shedding from my peeled skin, ‘you get me now Vanema’, go an continue your work as he climbed up the stairs to his room slamming the door shut.
The next few days went on as usual, some days Eric wouldn’t come or pick up my calls and would appear at the door the following day by 4am and would hurl insults and derogatory remarks about my character and yell at me before leaving again. I was tired of his behavior but I was still hoping he could go back to being the man who once loved me.
Morning came with the birds twitching noises I woke up, I was about preparing Eric breakfast before he called me ‘Vanema, Vanema why is my breakfast not ready, get it now, it’s not ready yet, just a few minutes please, suddenly Eric hit his hand on the wall furiously and his hands started bleeding, I rushed for the first aid box and a bowl of water to clean the blood off his hands but as soon as I came close to him Eric slapped me with his other hand ,pulled my hand to the back of my body wrapped his other hand around my neck making me to feel suffocated, while pleading for him to leave me we both heard a knock on the door, Eric checked the door knob to see Felix and we both immediately sorted the house before Eric opened the door for Felix to come in. Hey Felix, long time, how have you been doing, I heard from Vanema that you are expanding your hotel business, hope everything is going on well? Yes it is, Felix replied. I have heard of your love, care and affection, Vanema has been all about how loving you are, being a good father, son and husband, thanks for taking good care of my friend. You are of the utmost welcome Felix, Vanema has always been a loving person with a wonderful personality, who wouldn’t love her. You are right Eric she is great person with an un-explicable personality, Felix said. We all talked and ate some snacks together for about thirty minutes before Eric phone ranged, it was a call from the office Vanema I have to go, I am so sorry I am unable to stay longer in our conversation Felix, I will be off to the office as I am needed at work urgently, ‘Eric said’, bye Eric as Felix waved him a goodbye. No sooner than Eric left that Felix also had a call for an urgent meeting with some investors and also took his leave too. As soon as he left I cleaned the house, dressed my wounds and cleaned myself up.
Evening set and Eric was back, how is office, I asked him, none of your business, he replied to me just get some food for me and my girls, they will be staying over tonight, I can’t be going there every-time i am tired so I decided to go for home service. “Who are you talking about Eric”, I asked then I heard two knocks from the door, Eric said it was them, and let them in, as I opened the door they dashed to Eric kissing and snuggling him all over, as I pushed one of the girls away from him angrily, Eric retaliated angrily beating and punching me to stupor, took off his belt and lashed me, lying weak on the floor, Eric and the two girls ate and went straight to the room, of all times, this was the one that shocked me the most with, my husband was no longer mine and I meant nothing to him anymore I tried to get up but I was beaten up so bad that my legs could not move an inch so I cried myself to sleep.
The next day came, hey girl what is your name make us breakfast, I am tired and hungry from last night, but as I stood up to leave ignoring her, Eric came to my front with the other girl in his arms and told me to get in the kitchen immediately or he had trash me again pulling my hair once again then threw me to the floor, I got up and went to the kitchen made breakfast and served them, as I was serving, Eric said he had something to say to me,‘ I have employed a maid she will be coming today and there are no extra rooms she will be using the fourth room, so pack your luggage , you will be sleeping at the back of the compound, before I knew it, Eric threw my things at the back of the compound and threw me out of the house to sleep in the compound, it was still bushy so I sat on a step and slept there till morning.
It was already morning and the day had already began already, so many bad signs were beginning to show up. It was as if an untoward or bad thing was about to happen and I got scared in my heart, as soon as I stepped foot in the living room Eric asked me what I had come to do inside but I gave him no reply, ignored his question and walked past him, but no sooner than expected my actions got an irritated Eric infuriated, ‘I asked you a question Vamema answer me will you’, Eric said, it is not by force that I must give a reply to all your questions, so I didn’t feel like answering you and I didn’t, oh you evil woman I will show you your place today Vanema. As he was about beating me up I stood up from the floor to run, Eric grabbed a knife from the kitchen cabinet, oh I feel dizzy what is wrong with me, as I touched my stomach, blood was on my hands, Eric had stabbed me by my stomach looking at him in front of me with scheming eyes I pulled the knife away from my stomach, I looked to see the door open, alas it was my sister Laura and my kids, they had witnessed the incident, as I took a step closer to Laura and my kids I felt dizzy and pain collapsing on the floor hard.
Three days later.
Vanema, Vanema wake up please with tears rolling, a drop of tear fell on my cheek, my eyesight had started to get clearer soon enough and i opened my eyes to see Laura my sister with tears and Felix at a corner of the hospital room waiting for me to regain consciousness, as I started to speak, Felix saw me and alerted Luara, both asking me to stay quiet and rest, I wanted to apologize for keeping this from them but I was not allowed to, as they restricted me from talking and told me to take rest, no sooner did Felix call the Doctor, the doctor came in and examined me, I was better and could be discharged within two days.
Two days passed, and it felt as if I meant the world to Felix, as he did not leave the hospital, Laura left and came in order to look after the children, but Felix took care of me all day unconditionally. He fed me and gave me medicines on time and the two days fled like the wind. It was already time for me to be discharged so Felix took me to my sister’s home, seeing my kids waiting for me at the door, I hurried and hugged them, I had missed them so much, mummy is back kids, I will not leave you again, I am sorry, I sighed out just being with my kids brought a great smile to my face.
The next morning my sister prepared the kids for their friend party and soon they took off excitedly to their friends place. Are you worried Vanema, I am just thinking where Eric would be right now Laura, what kind of question is that Vanema? Where do you think he is supposed to be? He is in jail of course and I think you should file for a divorce too, you need to free yourself from this torture, as for your kids you can take care of them single handedly. I believe in you, do not make your kids relive that moment again, soon enough I gave into my sisters words and my children worries, then I filed for a divorce and sent the divorce papers to Eric, at first he would not sign it nd said I will be forever his until Laira paid the police men to force him to sign the document, two days later we both appeared at the court and our divorce took place, Eric’s trial had begun and his lawyer started to point my characters for Eric’s misdeed but luckily my sister had gotten the footage of Eric mistreating me and the judge sentenced him to life imprisonment for sexual harassment and physical abuse , as we were about to leave the court I saw Eric running towards me holding a knife but luckily the policemen managed to catch him and put locks on him. You are now a free woman Vanema, Laura and Felix said. Yes I am a free woman now, I replied, it is indeed great to breathe the air of freedom, Laura, I feel free and happy now I can move on in my life and give all to my life. Later on that day, Felix and I went to eat out and talk in order to reduce the tension, Vanema do you still remember my business deal that we talked about, oh Felix, a month as passed since we talked about the business deal, I thought you must have given the contract to someone else, why didn’t you ? Vanema I won’t do that, remember I told you that I have never met anyone with innovative ideas and passion as you, so Vanema will you be my business partner and make this project a success. Yes I will Felix as we shook hands and got to work immediately.
Three years later.
The project we did had become a success, we had built a French theme Based hotel lodge in Paris and several clubs in Canada, than we initially planned for, it was a boom, many influential people came, before I knew it I had bought a 30% share in the Villa, Felix Empire, we both renamed it after the success of the newly built project and we were still great friends and the best of business partners.
Two years later.
Miss Vanema, Miss Vanema please could you give us a moment, please tell us how you feel to be part of such a great project. This fast project has been one of the largest Worldwide Business avenue for science and technology, how do you feel Miss Vanema. Yes I am truly honored, to be part of this great project and I hope we become successful till the end thank you. I saw a car that rushed towards the arena and I immediately got in, it was Felix, so how are you managing things Vanema, Felix asked. Well I think, stardom could be very intimidating, I was feeling suffocated over there by the reporters, let’s go home I think my body needs some rest. Yes it needs it, Vanema also one more thing, ‘Felix said’, there’s a club opening in the area and would like us to be there for the party, I know you’ll say you don’t have an outfit ready, so I got an outfit ready for you it’s a black dress, you’ll look splendid in it alright, no worries I picked it carefully, as I looked into Felix eyes to thank him I saw love in his eyes but I ignored it and left to the house as soon as he drove to the gate of my house.
The evening came and I was ready in the black dress Felix got for me waiting in the sitting corridor outside the house, as I heard the horn of his car, I took my purse and joined him in the car as he zoomed off to the party.
You are looking pretty Vanema, Felix complimented, oh thank you, you look handsomely intimidating Felix. You’re welcome Vanema, he replied as we got to the party, we inaugurated the club and soon enough everyone was on the dance floor suddenly the lights went off and came on to see Felix kneeling on his knees, Felix what are you doing, anything wrong with your shoelaces, I said. No Vanema, will you be my partner forever, with deep breathes and my eyes closed I opened my eyes to see Felix and the crowd awaiting the response, with so much pressure on me, I replied him, Felix I’m sorry, I can’t just take this ring, you are a great man and deserve someone better, I’m sorry as I took Felix hand to lift him up and walked out of the party.
Few days later I went to Felix apartment, I knew I’d left Felix broken but I just couldn’t continue, I wasn’t able to yes, my scar hadn’t healed and I wasn’t ready to be in a relationship again, as I opened the door, I saw Felix on the chair in the living room, I ran to meet him watching football on TV, Felix I am sorry I couldn’t return your love, I’m apologetic, please forgive me. You know you need not say that I understand you and your decisions, I’m sorry for making face it again, I just hope our friendship will remain as it was, Felix said, yes it will , I said as I hugged him in tears.
Six months later
Felix you’re back, I said. Yes Vanema I am back and guess what, I think found my heart again, oh so meet my fiancée, Aura, I was so shocked as I saw her, it was my long lost adopted sister, she has been gone for a long time, where have you been Aura, I asked . I am so sorry it’s been a long story Vanema, Aura said as the three of us hugged each other, welcome to the family Aura, I said. Three months later Felix proposed to Aura and three weeks after they got married I was so happy and glad for both Felix and Aura, they love each other so much and I prayed that the lord cherish and keep their love safe.
After, the wedding, Felix and Aura travelled for their honeymoon, I too travelled to Japan for the festival of light, as I got to the seaside, I sat on the lounge and laid my body breathing the free air of nature, now I was free, happy and fulfilled once again as my dream had come true I was now a successful woman, later that day I called my sister Laura and booked the flight for her husband , kids and my children, the next morning they were all around at the lodge to attend the festival of lights, my family was finally with me, with a deep breathe I heaved in happiness in my heart.
© Ayangbaro Vanessa