

Dragon King Episode One Prince Tereus
Year of the beast at the Slecan Kingdom the King's General Brennius is leading a revolt on King Gluniairn "Kill those who won't join us, Kill the royal family" exclaims the General, "Call on your dragons Lothair" General said to his black magician right hand. And Lothair starts murmuring calling for his dragons.

"Bring the Queen and the prince out of here and bring them to safety" shouts the King to his loyal aide Thalun, so he directed them to the underground place connected outside of the palace then suddenly fires is bombarding the castle, the dragons of Lothair are on its way and destroying everything," after the war kill all of your dragons Lothair" whispers the General to Lothair and Lothair just nodded in disbelief how he can kill his dragons and if the general can dispose of his dragons and he too can be disposable.

While in the underground Thalun and the royal family are halfway to the exit of the tunnel. King Gluniairn fights valiantly but the arrow of one of the generals men hit his neck he falls lifeless "search for the queen and the prince and kill them both" shouts the general and he looks to Lothair as a sign to settle the dragons "ready, fire" shouts Lothair and arrows from ballista fierce one dragon's heart, "ready" again shouts Lothair and the dragons now are ready for the next shot. The dragons spew fire on the ballista side and it burns the equipment and the soldiers near it. " Ready your arrows, aim" shouts Lothair but the two remaining dragons are furious now again fire kills a dozen of soldiers "hide you, idiots" shouts the generals, and the dragons are gone.

Meanwhile, Thalun and the queen, and the baby has already passed the exit of the tunnel but generals soldier are waiting outside arrows raining and Thalun shields his body for the queen and the baby prince, but the queen is hit also by an arrow. " kill the prince" shouts one of the soldiers but the dragon sees what's happening below it breathes fire again on the soldier and it kills all of them, and the dragon takes away the baby, Prince Tereus.

© alexander