

❤️🎭The Face That Loves 🎭♥️
I sat in my room with my eyes closed smoking on a fresh joint. Thinking of all the good times as the smoke surrounds me and gives me a gentle hug. I'm in bliss as I lay back on my bed with my thoughts to ponder over. The girl with many faces. She's sick, very sick I'd say but not what you think she's unfortunately mentally unstable. Met her when we were young and I fell in love with her instantly to say the least. I'd give the world to have her forever but she has many faces and I'm in love with one of them. Some days she's mine and says the nicest things. Other days I feel like I'm someone else in her eyes and it sucks.. She has been in psych words all her life putting the puzzle pieces back together slowly but surely. I sure do know when it's the face that loves me. She fully expresses it to the max. Then months will go by and messages are unanswered. She's the only one in this world I love I feel. Even With Multi personality disorder... it's been tough but I feel like I've never given up because sometimes she will pop into my life then just shut off. Just a glimpse of her presence recharges my batteries. Unfortunately it's just not enough cause I'm teasing myself with something that can never be. She rips herself in half online and I feel like since she's states away I can't help her and make sure she's in a safe place. I just wait it seems until she turns on another face and I'm a shadow or a stranger. My love is strange but real but truly tragic. So for this I must let you go.. I must let go of the wants and needs and just put your portraits in my head like a decorated stairway. I will cherish you but I must go and explore and meet and help new souls my dear. You have a piece of my heart I pinky promise but as I erase you from everything in the physical world with tears falling as I know it's time to finally let go. I'll always remember the girl with many faces..

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