

The Garden Lady
The statue of a lady that has more life than we
With brilliant stone has been around for eternity
The Lady of the Gardens is how she is known
Her solid white robes like the heavens shown

Not good nor evil but simple neutrality

The ground regards her with regality
The perfect blend of life and stone
She is doomed to spend her days alone

The garden flowers are her only friends
Do the means truly justify these ends?
No living thing to talk to her
To not a soul can she defer

Solitude is her only way .
To the ground she kneels, but not to pray
Only to guard the flowers below her head
To shield them from a world of dread

One day, perhaps, she can learn another path
Before she feels condemned to wrath
A life of loneliness is too much to ask
Her smile wishes to outgrow its mask

All other creatures of life had other souls
The Lady of the Gardens' heart had many holes
She longs to no more be a slave to solidarity
She takes her first steps towards prosperity

A happy existence is closing in
The Garden Lady outgrows her pen

Her days of loneliness draw to a close
In her hair, as a reminder, resides a rose.

© ash_loner🌸