

Can I tell you a story? It’s partly about this girl, her name is Lory.
I knew her in kindergarten, we hung around the playground a lot.
But as times grew harder, we drifted apart and her sister went into rehab and she stopped speaking with me. Simultaneously, I grew suicidal, thinking about this grand recital, where all my friends and family would suddenly realize, they never really knew the real me, just the little girl, the outwardly-portrayed me, who friends and family never took the time to listen to, to sit beside, or really get to know who she was. So I played on the playground alone, a lot. But I was always there for my friends, even when they forgot who I was, or what they told me, or when I was there; never not.

Elementary school, middle school, I grew out of feeling sorry for myself. High school came and went, it was a charmed time, I made friends!

But then college happened, and the darkness came again. It hasn’t let me go, since then, but I’m struggling, and I don’t know whether or not I should let it show. I got pretty hopeless, I felt my friends deserted me: one, by one less.

But then my girlfriend called me from home, said she knew a guy - she would introduce us as friends, and though I didn’t have much hope, I agreed nonetheless. And this guy and I became good friends and I’m grateful, but the story doesn’t stop there, not yet. He introduced me to his friend group - and in them, I find hope. They seem so genuine, I don’t know how to process it. One of the guys, he makes my heart smile - and it scares me, because what if he flies away, like all the others I couldn’t manage to make stay?

I don’t want to seem pathetic, like I can’t stand on my own two feet
Yet at the same time, he’s so magnetic
I don’t know what his game is, does he know his charm? The way his smile disarms?

Or is my heart not just playing a silly game, might I actually have a chance?
The first guy I have trusted, in who knows how long. I wouldn’t mind if he stole my heart, I just hope he’s willing to share his, cuz others, I’ll be a single, old, fart.
© WyldChyld