

She smiled with quiet determination,
The journey was tough but so was she. She couldn't let any situation to humiliate her. For her, life was never easy. As because she is a single mother, that doesn't mean that she has to tolerate the everyday drama of this world.
Her brown eyes, that gives a blank look, had seen so much struggle. Her smile, that was once enough to brighten anyone's mood, seems to be faded away instead replaced with a fake one. Her lips, whose touch can blossom any flower with love, are now chapped and withered. Her hand, once soft and filled with care, now turned hard with lesions from working day and night. Her feet, she dreamt of chasing her dreams with, looks like doesn't support her anymore.
Despite of her difficulties, she won't allow them to let her down. She has to be strong and she knew that, may be not for her, but for her daughter. Her daughter, her life, her most precious possession, her rainbow, her sunshine, her meaning of life; she couldn't let her daughter's colours fade away.
What if her feet doesn't support her, she will help her daughter fly. She promised her, she will be with her, each and every moment, no matter what. Because she doesn't want a future for her girl to be like her, devoid of affection, of love, of care, of understanding. She can't let her darkness overcome her daughter's dreams, she just can't.
She has to be perfect, in every aspect, only for her DAUGHTER. And she has makeup her mind, to show this world, what a woman is capable of.