

The destined one #Ep 190:Jooik falls unconscious
Guys plz don't like the ep without reading.Follow me if u want another ep.
In previous ep,Sana and jaeyi realize their feelings for each other.
In today's ep,
Jooik:Seoul came.I think we can take a 🚕 here.
Jina:Oh! Mm...But wt abt ur 🚗which was left in the resort?
Jooik:I don't remember it at that moment.I'll ask anyone to get it or let it be.
Jina:By the way!How much is the
Jooik:Not much...just $ 43,650 💶.
Jina:🤯Wt the hell?Wt?It costs $ 43,650💶?R u mad?It costs that much and u r saying let it be😵?
Jooik:Y r u reacting like that?I'll buy another 🚗.
Jina:Do u even wt can we do in $ 43,650💶?I can buy all cosmetic products.Party all nyt for months.Get a plastic surgery🤤...
Jooik:🤣🤣😂stop that.U get water when u listen abt 💶 and also I'll be scared to death by seeing ur normal face but u want to buy cosmetics and want to get a plastic surgery.Then I'll say gdbye to this world🤣😂!...