

Destiny of you and me! (11)
Chapter 11

He couldn't complete his sentence as someone interrupted him and that someone was-

"Hey, I didn't know that CEO Aarav would come here,"
Riya exclaimed smilingly.

Her smile was so elegant that it can rob as many hearts as possible, At first glance itself Aahan could say that she was a very genuine and sweet girl. She was looking gorgeous in her evening black dress with her bouncy black hair which was flowing down to her lower back, he was completely mesmerized by her beauty.

He was so immersed in her beauty that he didn't realize when she extended her hand towards him with her smile still hanging on her lips.

"Hi, I am Riya Armani."

Aarav who was observing his brother's behavior hit him on his head and woke him up from his dreamland.

"oh! I am sorry, I am Aahan Singhania."

"Wait! You are Singhania? That means you both are-'

"Yes, we are brothers!"

"Ah! I thought you both are friends"

"I know it happens a lot as my brother looks very young and more handsome than me. By the way, You didn't introduce your boyfriend to us, come on introduce us!" said Aahan.

Aahan was grinning sheepishly but his smile froze when he felt temperature around him going down, completely down!

He slowly turned his head to look at his brother, he stood stiff the moment he saw his brother sending daggers at him!

He stood there stiff but he was more startled when he heard Riya laughing, he turned to look at her-

"You are saying that he is my boyfriend? Really?"
Riya was still laughing.

"Hi, I am Abhi, I wish what you said was true! But nevermind."
He smiled at him.

"Hi, I hope you know my brother"

"Of course the business tycoon 'AARAV SINGHANIA' and Riya's first-ever 'boy and friend' after me!"

Abhi intentionally emphasized the words 'boy and friend'.

"I wish if I was her first-ever 'boy and friend' before you," said Aarav.

Both Riya and Aahan could feel the tension between them.

"Hey, you continue with your food. We will be goin-"

"Are you very excited to spend some one on one time with your friend! Ha?"

Aahan was completely stunned when he heard his brother's possessive words! The same goes for Riya even she was completely stunned.
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