

Ramblings of Nothing
Ramblings of nothing, as the pure orgasm builds while the flesh gets weaker and flakes off. Shall I melt into the sun again
Shall I step in the pool to cool off
I climbed a ladder to the sun element
I reached out and started to melt and my bones disappearance didn’t agitate
I jumped into the sun from the top of the latter
I melted physical and time.diesnt exist
Don’t get mad bc I love to burn off my body don’t get mad bc the sun element understands

Don’t get in a hurry when no person would hold me, an object got to hold me and.that object I love. A ball of fire I was
melting into the sun but I move my latter and I go back to my spot on my bed
Head on my pillow
Do ppl exist or is my non-existent just a dream
Is a person a person or are they visual happenings or false delusion

I won’t break
I walk alone and with grace, glory, dignity,and honor most up high for who I am. I don't change, I do improve.

I look up to the sun again, flesh to wind, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. I will continue to romance the element of the sun until I have reached climax with my body and my flesh has made a dark mist in the wind…
I will always be without flesh. The climax is almost unbearable. The flesh poses limits but there are no limits when the flesh burns and flakes to a pile…