

A thought for life
There is no such thing like, reading a book and becoming spiritual. Even if we think that we are spiritual, we are still walking in this plant, isn't that material?
Our body is nothing but just another piece of planet that we gather each day. Likewise, whatever is the content of our mind is nothing but heap of impression.
Whatever we gathered can be our's at the most, but it can never become us. That's there must be something more fundamental inside us that is gathering our body and mind. Let we call it 'life'.
Isn't we only experiencing what we had gathered, like going through life process but never ever touching life?
Or life is it like a onion, if we pier out every layer of it that we gather since the day we came into this world then nothing will be left?
It's the layers which is life and onion.
Give it a thought..

© Hunting_My_Forgotten

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