

Love with gazetted officer
I am an introvert girl yet, very ambitious. You can tell me very emotional. It was during 2017 when I was very dissapointed with my life. As, I have gone through several obstacles be it my career, physical health, family's condition and lot many. I have done MBA ( HR and marketing) in the year 2014 and have bagged up many prizes during those times. Be it best business plan, anchoring, free trip to IIM and lot many. So my expectation was higher towards my career. But, I could not get through my expectations.
After doing few jobs in Kolkata, life took a u turn and I was bound to come back to home due to my ill health. So, after being a bit stable I was looking for some fun in life. I can't be unhappy for a long time. I started talking to few old friends. Once, I came to know about a dating app while looked to me appealing. I found it little bit genuine than all other apps. I started checking the guys and sent requests to few of them. I just wanted to talk, that's it. After few days I saw the first request accepted. He was a gazetted officer from Haryana, now posted at Kolkata. We started chatting. We talked about love, life, career, heart breaks, astrology and lot many. I knew it is a dating app and every people come here to flirt. After few days of our chat I had some sort of believe on him and we shared each other's mobile number.
One fine evening he called me. The conversation began like this:
Arun: Hey beautiful how are you?
Me: I am doing fine. What about you?
Aruj: I am always good madam .What about out meeting? Should I expect to catch up someday?
Me: Ofcourse, we will meet.
Aruj: I don't think you will ever meet me.
Me: ( laughing) Have patience! Let's see what happens.
Aruj: Call me whenever you are free
Me: Sure!
( Hanged up the call)

Aruj had a very deep yet melodious voice. He started sending me songs. Being an art lover I really loved those. After months I went to Kolkata to attend my cousin's marriage. From there I managed a day to meet this guy. We planned to meet at Howrah station infront of food plaza. I was wearing a white offshoulder top with little blue hearts printed on it and a black jeans. It was cold in the month of January. I went there being a bit nervous and it was my first blind date. He was waiting for me infront of food plaza. I saw him for the first time. A tall guy of height 5'10" wearing a yellow sweater and denim couloured jeans was standing before me. His white shoes looked very neat.That 5'10" marwari boy looked too tall for a 5'2" bengali girl. I was casually talking to him. He was blushing like a red apple. We quickly finished our breakfast with sandwich, french fries and coffee. We sat together for couple of hours speaking very few words. Slowly, dawn showed its way and we said adieu to each other smiling. Now, I was desperate to grab a job at Kolkata. The ambition in me woke up again like never before. I found few offers in my job portal. I convinced my parents and came to Kolkata with many dreams. After struggling for few months I got my job in content writing. That was another struggle story. He kept encouraging me all the time. I managed to stay in a pg. Luck favoured me a little when I found our offices were almost 10 minutes away from the walking distance. We started meeting each other after office hours. Oneday, he proposed me with a beautiful note in the mobile which stated:
Dear S,
You have been the best thing that has ever happened to me. You have innocence and sweetness in everything you do. Your intelligence and maturity has made me fallen for you. I think I love you...

I read it for twice or thrice and then I replied in a simple note to him which said, I don't know whether I love you or not. But, you have given a new direction to my life. Everyday I feel motivated to do something creative and new it's because of you. Ofcourse, you are adorable and attractive.

That's it he called me and we talked for sometime about work, today's day and hanged up the call. Days passed by.. We started introducing each other to our friends and family friends. We started to meet up in friend's place and shared moments of joy, inner feelings of happy and sad memories. We explored several new places to hang up together from shopping malls to markets and restaurants. My favourite foods became his favourite. His choice of clothes became my choice. That stubborn guy started wearing my favourite coloured jeans and casual shoes. That guy who never liked to click pictures admired my clicked pictures to put on his profile. Life is full of ups and downs. Suddenly, oneday he called me that his mother has got breast cancer. It's in second stage. I was dumbstruck. Life took a u turn.
To be continued .....

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