

It was a hot summer day in chennai.The level of humidity is too high that i felt sweat like crazy.I decided to prepare a lemonade .As i began, one of my friend called me ,in the process of talking i made a big blender by adding extra 5 times lemon in to the water.Then i tasted its ,too sour.What i think is ,if i pour this to an unconscious man ,surely he come to conscious.Somehow i have to correct this by remove the extra lemon into the water .I know its impossible.
The only way to correct this is by adding extra 5 glass of water.Instead of 1 glass now i had 5 glasses of lemonade.Now the taste is perfect.
In our life we made a wrong investment,wrong choice,wrong words we spoken all created unwanted turbulance.Whatever step we take ,we cannot remove anything or we cannot undone it or cannot reverse anything into normal .Its like extra lemon in the water.Instead take step to remove the problem,you should add extra positive in to your life .When you add more positive things in to your life than earlier problem become very smaller..
When problem seen to be helpless ,feeling out of control rather than simply trying to remove them lets us add more positivity in our life and change our experience.