

Choosing Life over Death.
Do you want to live because you are afraid to die? If you think something should be written about the question, go ahead and do so.

Never live " because you are afraid to die". In my personal opinion, if you choose to die , it takes few seconds or an hours of courage to attempt suicide however if you choose to live the life, it takes lifetime courage to face the struggle we are dealing. If you look at the positive side of the life, you are in a far better position than others . a begger who has food to eat on streets of road dream of having a roof to sleep and better cloths. a person living in a small house dreams of having a bunglaw and it continues. We can never be happy in life if we compare ourselves with others. If you look at the positive side, you atleast have a safe place to lead a simple and happy life . Fighting for life is like a pit where we are afraid of falling into it each and every day. Choosing to die ends at that instance leaving our beloved ones in grief bigger than the pit.
Live the life for your loved ones, believe in yourself, be your own strength. Never let others rule you because no one can know you better than yourself. Struggle hard to succeed and lead a life where you can be a role model for others, to choose life rather than giving up on life .
© CH. Gayathri.